Saturday, August 30, 2014

Common Mistakes that a Candidate does while performing the Group Tasks. Correct these and you can be a winner

Common Mistakes that a Candidate does while performing the Group Tasks. Correct these and you can be a winner

a) In order to show the Jose or Initiative  Candidate starts with out proper planning or consulting others.
b) Picks up a help material and does not part with it.
c) He thinks he is the one who knows the way to cross the obstacle and starts dominating 
d) When steps in to an out of bound area , thinks that the GTO has not seen and keeps moving.
e) Being selfish
f) Use of foul language
g) Whispers and is not audible
h) Less helping tendency
i) Not adhering to the rules and regulations
j) Does not listen to the GTOs briefing
k) During the CT does not brief.

These are some of the points that a candidate should remember and should avoid it by all means

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ssb interviews


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