Wednesday, September 24, 2014

What happens just before the Conference at the S S B Interview?

After a hard fought battle at the Services Selection Board Interview,
all the candidates are assembled at one room. One by one they would be called to the conference room. This is the only time, the candidates get a chance to see the complete selection board, Defence Officers in Uniform.

The officers are ready with their laptops and your JANAM KUNDLI is being discussed in threadbare.
Here the President asks the officers who assessed the candidate to give out their finding about the performance of the candidate.
This is generally in the form of Marks that they had awarded to the candidate about to be discussed.

In order to qualify the SSB, the candidate is expected to get 40 % from assessor.
Here in comes the first verdict
Each of the selectors would have given out their findings in form of the marks. ( The fifteen qualities have been transformed into forms) And Factor wise your performance would be marked.

GTO : 90 / 225
Psych : 92 / 225
IO :    100 / 225

A very happy situation. The candidate would now be called inside the conference hall.
Pleasantries exchanged.  Customary Questions asked. The candidate is now bid goodbye.

Case TWO: 

GTO:  54
Psych: 64
IO:      72   

The candidate would now be called inside the conference hall.
Pleasantries exchanged.  Customary Questions asked. The candidate is now bid goodbye.

Case Three:-

GTO : 72
PSYCH : 90
IO : 82

In this case  only one has cleared the candidate ( i,.e found fit to be recommended)

The total marks here is 246
Above 240 marks the candidates case would be discussed. This takes some time
They now have a look at the Factors and marks awarded.
If they come to an agreement that the candidate does possess qualities and can be pushed through, they increase the conference marks awarded and he is RECOMMENDED.

The candidate would now be called inside the conference hall.
Pleasantries exchanged. 
A SRT or a Question that IO had asked the candidate during the personal interview may be asked again to see how he reacts and answers this question/ s
If he answers in a satisfactory manner, he is Recommended.

Customary Questions asked. The candidate is now bid goodbye.
This is what the selectors call as Border line cases.
To confess most of the candidates who gets recommended now-a-days belong to this category.

Now you know  what happens behind the Screen.
All the best
Do well Get recommended and become an officer


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