Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Pay scale in commissioned service
Pay Band (Rs.)
Lieutenant to Major
Lieutenant Colonel to Major
Rs. 37,400-67,000(PB-4)
General Lieutenant Gen HAG
Rs. 67,000 (annual scale increment @ 3%) – 79,000
General Lieutenant Gen HAG
Rs. 67,000 (annual scale increment @ 3%) – 79,000
VCOAS/Army Cdr /Lt Gen(NFSG)
Rs. 80,000(fixed)
Rs. 90,000 (fixed)
Grade Pay:

Grade Pay
Leiutant Colonel
Major General
A fixed sum of Rs.6, 000/- p.m. is also payable as Military Service Pay (MSP) to the officers from the rank of Lt to Brig.
Qualification Pay and Grant
  • Qualification Grant: Officers possessing certain prescribed qualification are entitled to lump sum Qualification Grant of Rs. 6000/-, 9000/-, 15000/- or 20,000/- based on the qualification held by them.
  • Qualification Pay: The Army Aviators (Pilots) serving in Army Aviation Corps. are entitled to the Qualification Pay, based on the Qualification held by them:
  • Master Aviation Instructor - Rs. 500/- p.m.
  • Senior Aviation Instructor Class I - Rs. 400/- p.m.
  • Senior Aviation Instructor Class II - Rs. 280/- p.m.
  • Aviators holding Master Green Card - Rs. 200/- p.m.
  • Aviators holding Green Card – Rs. 280/- p.m.
  • Allowance: The Army Aviators (Pilots) serving in the Army Aviation Corps. are entitled to flying allowance:
  • Brigadier & above - Rs. 10,500/-
  • Major to Colonel - Rs. 14,000/-
  • Captain - Rs.11,000/-
  • Lieutenant - Rs. 9,000/-
In addition to pay, an officer at receives the following allowances:
  • Compensatory (City) and Dearness Allowances are admissible at the same rates and under the same conditions as Civilian Gazetted Officers.
  • kit maintenance allowances of Rs. 400/- p.m.
  • Compensatory Field Area Allowance depending upon rank and area of posting.
  • Highly active Field Area Allowance: of Rs. 6,780/- to Rs.8, 400/- p.m.
  • Compensatory Field Area Allowance: Rs. 4,200– 5,200/-p.m.
  • Compensatory Modified Field Area Allowance: Rs. 1,600/ - 2,000/- p.m.
  • High Altitude/uncongenial climate allowance
  • High Altitude category I (9000 feet to 15000 feet and uncongenial Areas below 9000 feet): Rs. 1,060– 11,200 p.m.
  • Uniform allowance
  • Initial Outfit allowance is Rs. 14,000/-
  • Renewal outfit allowance Rs. 3,000/- for every three years.
  • Transport Allowance
  • Transport allowance is provided to officers who are not provided with Government  accommodation within a distance of 1 KM from the place of duty or campus housing
  • Rs. 3,200/- p.m. in 'A-1' and 'A' class cities
  • Rs. 1,600/- per month at other places
  • Insurance
  • During the first three years of training at NDA, Army Group Insurance fund provide insurance cover for Rs. 8 Lacs on payment of one time premium of Rs. 4250/-
  • In case of relegation an additional Premium of Rs. 770/- per relegated term will be paid immediately on occurrence
  • At IMA insurance fund provides insurance cover for Rs. 40 Lacs without any payment from the Gentlemen Cadets.
  • For those who are medically boarded out of IMA on account of Disability, the cover provided is 50 per cent of the insured amount for 100 percent disability. It is proportionately reduced to Rs.4 Lac for 20 per cent disability.
  • Gentleman Cadets being boarded out with less than 20 per cent disability will be given an ex-gratia grant of Rs. 50,000/-
  • Disability due to alcoholism and drug addiction will not qualify for disability benefits
  • On commissioning, Gentleman Cadets would be covered under the main Army Group Insurance Scheme as applicable to Regular Army Officers.
  • Retirement Benefits: Pension, gratuity and casualty pensionary award will be admissible in accordance with the rules in force from time to time.

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