Saturday, January 12, 2019

SSB- TIPS to Perform well in PGT

Tips to perform well in Progressive Group Task
  1. Listen to the briefing given by the Group Testing Officer
  2. Look at the resources -Help materials Provided to you-length, width, thickness.etc.,
  3. Take a good look at the obstacles and the structures provided in it
  4. By making use of which of the given resource/s can the group negotiate the obstacle with out breaking any rule?
  5. How will the first man move?
  6. Which one should be used first, the Plank, or the balli. Its advantage.
  7. How can the rope be used, and where? and it what method?
  8. What type of Knot can be used?
  9. Who will carry the load and in which order should the person move into the task?
  10. How will the last man cross the obstacle?
  11. Where can the rope be tied and with what Plank or balli?
  12. How can the large distance be reduced i.e between the obstacles
  13. Is bridging between the two obstacles Possible if yes how?
  14. Are there any Moveable items kept in between the obstacles
  15. Has any moveable/ once usable item/s given as help material, if yes how best can we make use of it and where?
  16. Can the rope be tied and made a loop or just be coiled and kept?
  17. Where can the cantilever technique be used? How many members can negotiate it and who will move first?
  18. Remember there are three different and workable approaches are available to negotiate any task of the GTO- So Analise the task
Who should move in first into the task?
A light weight member moving in first has advantage over a heavy weight member moving in first. (Be with in the first three to move into the task)
r Plan- Organize and Co-operate with the group to complete the task

Give workable ideas even if you are not able to move in first
Encourage the person/s who are moving in (like, very good, yes you can do it, well done). These words gives Josh to the performer and the whole group gets energized. which is important for the performance of the group
If a member of the group is overweight or showing some fear, make the person move in the middle so that others can help and he does not feel left alone

Do not look at the next task in the PGT unless the whole group completes the task in hand.
Shouting and throwing items does not help and it delays the progress
Poor body language also takes it toll
In the end DO NOT BE SELFISH- Put the group interest in view

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