Sunday, January 6, 2019

SSB Interview Tips

Defence Academy is back again with some valuable tips about SCREENING tests Todays news: in 10+2 Tech entry that announced its result on Friday,a bitter fact was noticed.
354 Reported---- 26 Screened in-- ONly 2 were recommmended.
One of the candidate who got Recommended was trained by Defence Academy Coimbatore. That was our 412th Success at SSB
Now let us see some of the reasons as to why a candidate does not make his grade at the SCREENING IN PHASE

Pyschological point of view:-

  1. Poor Performance in Officers intelligence rating Tests
  2. Shabby handwriting and poor way of written expression
  3. Not being able to identify and connect the story to the main characters
  4. Negative approach to the story
  5. Making the Main Character victim- depecting carelessness and trying fo self pity
  6. Too heroic and not realistic approach
  7. incomplete story
  8. Not adhering to the Psych briefing and making a mess of the way the writer writes the story
  9. Too much of a bravado
  10. Illogical story
  11. Not using the available resources
  12. Award and reward seeking
  13. Story ending up wiht low self esteem of the hero
  14. Negative /pessimistic action by the hero
  15. story written in a fashion that does not obey the general social rules
  16. stories with sucidal tendency .

From the point of View of GTO

  1. Lack of particiation
  2. Lacking courage of conviction
  3. Dominating others
  4. Not listening to others
  5. Stammering and lack of confidence while narrating a story
  6. Regidity and unable to suitably amend the story after discussion
  7. Keeping quite and not participating inthe discussion
  8. Shouting and agrumentative in nature
  9. Not adhering to the GTO briefing prior to commencement of the narration
  10. Bullying others
  11. keep refering to his notes while others are narrating their story
  12. Talking to his neighbours and not listening to the speaker.
  13. Keeps looking at the assessment officers
  14. display of nervouseness

From the point of View of Interviwing Officer

  1. Shabby dressing
  2. Poor Body language
  3. Showing low self esteem/
  4. Lack of verbal expression
  5. Lack of creative ideas
  6. Inability to co-oeprate withothers and showing disrespect to others
  7. Inability to accept a better story and lack of contribution
  8. Clearly visible obesity
Well these are some of the points that does effects the Screening IN of the Candidate Take care of the above points and display a sense of Keeness and high enthusism while participating in the Narration and discusssion
All the best

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