Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Book 4 u


Day -03: Chaper -03

Hi, folks, I am back on my lap top, it is a pleasant evening, with a cup of tea in my hand, I started into to world and life of a FAUJI- His adventure
The Hero of this chapter is a Thambi by name Cpat Rajesh Unni Krishnanan, A mallu, attached to the para regiment.
Let us do some Time Travel, back to 25th March 2007 +1
Place a village near Agra,
Capt Unni and his three dare devils are faced with a situation, saving small girl of 2 years who unfortunately fell into a dry Tube WELL
Time now is 2100 hours. When of us would be having dinner and watching some TV show, the poor devils are at work "MISSION BACHAO" They measure a depth, how can we do it we do not have a scale. Well, an officer has to make use of all available resources, he askes the villagers to get him a rope, the rope goes inside the tube well. touches the child's head and back. The measure of the rope tells them it is 27 feet down the earths surface
The team with a doctor, do a quick group planning exercise.


Rescue the child-- Top Priority


a) Child fallen in well- 27 feet below the Ground Level
b) Dark and uneven ground
c) Time is running out


a) JCB Machine, (Kind curtsy Civil Engineers)
b) Local People and Machine Operator,
c) Adhoc Lighting arrangements
d) some hand digging tools and Ropes, ladders and other excavating tools


a) Dig a pit 7 feet away from where the Tube well is with the child stuck in
b) Connect the Two shafts and pull the child out
Easily said then done

c) Planning and arrival of required machines took away precious time. Time now is 11:30 p.m.
Problem faced at 4 a.m. Machines could not go deeper than 15 feet. 12 more feet has to be dug by human beings.
Captain shab, telephones for help from unit and starts with the help of village volunteers.
Dig, dig, showl, showl, the work goes on and on till 11.A.M. the next day.
Some more digging now it was 30 feet down and dark -devils now start inching forward they thought they had reached. only to realise the they were way by 14 feet
Added to this misery, the earth caved on top of Capt unni,
We all know the GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP Others
His other three para devils, some how managed to dig him out.
By then the commanding officer had arrived at the spot, and seeing the situation is getting worse asks the team to pull back and abort the mission
For loosing Four men were not accetable to him. But here comes the tough decision, the four devils who were now 30 feet down below, said, nothing doing. Karenge ya marnege.
I stop reading for a moment, and aks my self will I be obeying the Commanding officer, or go ahead and try my best to save the child????
I recollect reading some were, in 1942, Mahatma Gandhi, said,"DO OR DIE" we will fight for our freedom. They are true soliders, once a mission has been decided then they go all out 100 percent.
and finally by the Grace of the Almighty captain unni it was not untill, their Electronic Stathoscope started beeing andry indicating that the child was alive as they could hear the heartbeat of the child
Unni and his team tired and hungry, finally touched the feet of the child, slowly they, pulled her out
The time now is 9:40 P.M, thanks to UNNI and his three devils they managed to end the mission by bringing out the child who had fallen into the tube well 36 hour ago

I do not want to write about yet another failed effort to save another child. Well men proposes and God disposes
He invites the readers to join the Engineering Regiment.just after +2
Well it is your wish
For me it is not my cup of tea. I want to wear on the wings, if not in this birth atleast in the next one.
The Time will tell, wether I have it in me or other wise

 Bye till I read the next Chapter

Thursday, January 17, 2019

OIR / OFFICER INTELLIGENCE RATING TEST.- Online Tests by Defence Academy Coimbatore

OIR / OFFICER INTELLIGENCE RATING TEST.- Online Tests by Defence Academy Coimbatore
For those who want to do well in a competitive examination, our Online tests are a real boon
These are timed tests which give an actual experience, that you will be facing in a real exam like PSB or SSB or AFCAT.
What is an OIR Test?
This is a logical/analytical aptitude test. Based on the total number of correct answers an intelligence rating raging from I to V is given. Candidates with a higher score will get the precedence.

OIR consists of two sections. One is the Verbal test series which includes the following types of questions:
     1. Analogy and classification
     2. Coding and decoding
     3. Number series
     4. Blood relations
     5. Direction
     6. Seating arrangement
     7. Puzzles
     8. Basic mathematical aptitude.
The other series consists of non-verbal series. The questions are generally based on graphs, geometrical figures or sketches. The following question patterns can be seen:
9. Analogy and classification of figures
10. Complete and incomplete pattern of figures
11. Cubes and dice
12. Venn diagram
13. Paper folding
14. Figure for motion and analysis
You can take on line practice pack by paying Rs.200 only. Valid for 3 months. WWW.SAINIKRIMC.COM
OR WWW.SSBCOACHING.COM. Call 94437 20076

Saturday, January 12, 2019

SSB- TIPS to Perform well in PGT

Tips to perform well in Progressive Group Task
  1. Listen to the briefing given by the Group Testing Officer
  2. Look at the resources -Help materials Provided to you-length, width, thickness.etc.,
  3. Take a good look at the obstacles and the structures provided in it
  4. By making use of which of the given resource/s can the group negotiate the obstacle with out breaking any rule?
  5. How will the first man move?
  6. Which one should be used first, the Plank, or the balli. Its advantage.
  7. How can the rope be used, and where? and it what method?
  8. What type of Knot can be used?
  9. Who will carry the load and in which order should the person move into the task?
  10. How will the last man cross the obstacle?
  11. Where can the rope be tied and with what Plank or balli?
  12. How can the large distance be reduced i.e between the obstacles
  13. Is bridging between the two obstacles Possible if yes how?
  14. Are there any Moveable items kept in between the obstacles
  15. Has any moveable/ once usable item/s given as help material, if yes how best can we make use of it and where?
  16. Can the rope be tied and made a loop or just be coiled and kept?
  17. Where can the cantilever technique be used? How many members can negotiate it and who will move first?
  18. Remember there are three different and workable approaches are available to negotiate any task of the GTO- So Analise the task
Who should move in first into the task?
A light weight member moving in first has advantage over a heavy weight member moving in first. (Be with in the first three to move into the task)
r Plan- Organize and Co-operate with the group to complete the task

Give workable ideas even if you are not able to move in first
Encourage the person/s who are moving in (like, very good, yes you can do it, well done). These words gives Josh to the performer and the whole group gets energized. which is important for the performance of the group
If a member of the group is overweight or showing some fear, make the person move in the middle so that others can help and he does not feel left alone

Do not look at the next task in the PGT unless the whole group completes the task in hand.
Shouting and throwing items does not help and it delays the progress
Poor body language also takes it toll
In the end DO NOT BE SELFISH- Put the group interest in view

Monday, January 7, 2019

Fee Details SSB interview Coaching in Tamil Nadu - Classified Ad

Fee Details SSB interview Coaching in Tamil Nadu - Classified Ad

Fee Details SSB interview Coaching in Tamil Nadu - Classified Ad

Fee Details SSB interview Coaching in Tamil Nadu - Classified Ad

Get Trained to  face the Services selection board interview in just one week
Screening to Conference all events , tests will be explanied and sufficient pratice will be given to aspirants
Colonel jayavel an Colonel G. Murali. former assessment officers.
Defence academy coimbatore
94437 20076
buy ebooks on WAT/SRT/OIR

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Sainik School Interview

Get Trained to face the sainik  School Interview

SSB Interview Tips

Defence Academy is back again with some valuable tips about SCREENING tests Todays news: in 10+2 Tech entry that announced its result on Friday,a bitter fact was noticed.
354 Reported---- 26 Screened in-- ONly 2 were recommmended.
One of the candidate who got Recommended was trained by Defence Academy Coimbatore. That was our 412th Success at SSB
Now let us see some of the reasons as to why a candidate does not make his grade at the SCREENING IN PHASE

Pyschological point of view:-

  1. Poor Performance in Officers intelligence rating Tests
  2. Shabby handwriting and poor way of written expression
  3. Not being able to identify and connect the story to the main characters
  4. Negative approach to the story
  5. Making the Main Character victim- depecting carelessness and trying fo self pity
  6. Too heroic and not realistic approach
  7. incomplete story
  8. Not adhering to the Psych briefing and making a mess of the way the writer writes the story
  9. Too much of a bravado
  10. Illogical story
  11. Not using the available resources
  12. Award and reward seeking
  13. Story ending up wiht low self esteem of the hero
  14. Negative /pessimistic action by the hero
  15. story written in a fashion that does not obey the general social rules
  16. stories with sucidal tendency .

From the point of View of GTO

  1. Lack of particiation
  2. Lacking courage of conviction
  3. Dominating others
  4. Not listening to others
  5. Stammering and lack of confidence while narrating a story
  6. Regidity and unable to suitably amend the story after discussion
  7. Keeping quite and not participating inthe discussion
  8. Shouting and agrumentative in nature
  9. Not adhering to the GTO briefing prior to commencement of the narration
  10. Bullying others
  11. keep refering to his notes while others are narrating their story
  12. Talking to his neighbours and not listening to the speaker.
  13. Keeps looking at the assessment officers
  14. display of nervouseness

From the point of View of Interviwing Officer

  1. Shabby dressing
  2. Poor Body language
  3. Showing low self esteem/
  4. Lack of verbal expression
  5. Lack of creative ideas
  6. Inability to co-oeprate withothers and showing disrespect to others
  7. Inability to accept a better story and lack of contribution
  8. Clearly visible obesity
Well these are some of the points that does effects the Screening IN of the Candidate Take care of the above points and display a sense of Keeness and high enthusism while participating in the Narration and discusssion
All the best