Thursday, May 3, 2018

Sainik/ rms entrance skill finder tests Free

Skill Test age 10 years or class v
Numerical and reasoning and logical test evolution


You have 5 mins to complete this test.
Stage 1 has simple numerical ability test. Stage 2 moves on to test your logical way of doing the same test, called Solving the word problem in stage 3 we move on to use reasoning in solving the word problem
Stage - 1
1.123+321 =
2.997-227 =
3.60 x 25 =
4.75 Divided by 5 =
5.999 + 100 =
6.9999- 99 =
7.99 x 9 =
VIII.9999 divided by 9
9.10000 + 99
10999 minus X
11.121x 11
12.99999 Divided by 100
Stage :2 (Logic is used here to solve the undermention problem. No steps required, Write your answers in the answer column

1.What is the sum of the greatest 3 digit number and the least three digit number?
2.If we take away the smallest single digit number from the greatest Two digit number we get
3.what is the product of greatest three digit number and the least 3 digit number?
4If we divide the Greatest 4 digit number by the least two digit number we get___
Stage:3. Adding reasoning ability to solve the numerical problem

1.If one hen can lay 1 egg per day. In a cage there are 2 birds, one is hen and one is a cock.
In 10 days, they can lay_____ eggs.

2.If a former had 10 goats all but 7 have died how many has he left with?
3.Sekar had Rs.10000, he wanted to divide this amount in such a way that his elder daughter had 3 times
more than the younger daughter. The amount his eleder daughter has is ___

4.If we divide the successor of greatest two digist number by Roman Numeral L, we get
Please take a print out and solve the above problems in just 5 mins. This will tell you the function of your brain, the results will tell you were you are strong and in which stage you required more improvement
Our finding:
A Child with High intelligence rating will get 90%
An average child will be between 50 to 60
A child with learning disablity will get under 40%
What we are looking for in a defence person is ability use all the three aspects in a combination and score at least 75%
This test was conducted for the persons who aspire to become a defence officer and the findings were:-

  1. Heighest education:____________
  2. Age as on the date of exam________in years and months_____
  3. Male or Female____________________
  4. Medium of Education at school level was__________
  5. Marks scored in maths________% in Class X ___________ and Class XII___________%
  6. Marks scored in English______% in Class X____________and Class XII____________%
  7. His score in Revan standard matrix Non-verbal was__________ out of 60
  8. Area of interest? i,e what you aspire to be?-----------------
  9. Other details about the individual
His reading habit
1.How many books have you read which are not related to your college studies, during the last year?

S.No:Name of the BookName of the Author When ? Approx month



When the individual was given a command task, in how many methods did he solve the given problem with in 10 minutes useing Different methods?
Observation on the performance of the candidate:-

Other Tests to be conducted on the cadet before giving admission:-
  1. Spatial Ability
  2. Verbal - English Language
  3. Mechanical Reasoning
  4. Time taken to solve Chinese puzzle- 7 pieces making a square with one demonstration______ Seconds
  5. Sample of Listening and writing 10 lines English---Audio skill
  6. Speed and Accuracy test
  7. Hand - mind- eye- Co-ordination test computer car gaming three trails
  8. Creative idea test one Minute- Three small day to day useage items are given the child has to make some design in 2 minutes
    Either by doing it or writing / drawing in on a paper
  9. Spoken ability---- tell me about your family members and what you like and dislike?
  10. Reading ability English / Hindi/ Tamil one short para and writing answers for the questions asked -Comprehension test
  11. Simple general Awareness test- Who is the President of India? How many states are there in India?
  12. Medical check up by Doctor to acertain whether the child can take on physical training
  13. Any other test suggested by Psychologist
  14. The above test will us an idea of trainability of the cadet
  15. The overall score of the cadet should be above 75% in order to achieve a high standard after training

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