Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sainik/ RMS Entrance Examination- TARGET -2019

 Sample Examination Preparation Schedule for Class VI Sainik/ RMS Entrance Examination- TARGET -2019

Name of the Candidate:ROMEO.A.                Subject: Mathematics
S.No:SubjectChapter Date of Commencement of studyTarget Date to CompleteMarks scored in Chapter Based TestTime TakenRemarks
1.MathematicsArea/ Perimeter 01 June 201803 June 201825/5060 minutesMust Practice More
2.MathematicsGeometry 04 June06 June45/1001 hour and 30 minsWeak in Constructions
3.EnglishAntonyms/ Synonyms 05 July06 July45/ 6040 minutesRead Story books to improve vocabulary
4.GKDefence News 08 June08 June42/5045 minutesGood - keep it up

  • Note: Timing as per the School Entrance Exam has to be ensured for speed and accuracy
  • I suggest please buy our online test and carry out this exercise.
  • Approximately you should take not more than 3 minutes to do a sum
  • You must practice mathematics Daily for 1 to 2 hours in order to score more.
  • Early morning time is the best time
  • Take one class of warm water with a slice of lime and Honey. Proves good for health and memory.
  • If you find it takes more then you need to analyze why and take corrective measure
  • Initailly you must perform the test by going one step by step
  • Here is how?
    1. Write the full question
    2. Step 1: What is given (data/ facts)
    3. Step 2: What is to be found out?
    4. Step 3: What is the formula to be used?
    5. Step 4: Is any converstion of the basic units required? i.e Cm into m or mins into sec, etc.
    6. Step 5. Working / Method of solving: (use logic ask why or how , if ---- then ------)
    7. Step 6: Answer

    In order to remember use FLASH CARDS
    How to make Flash Cards?
  • Get at least 6 different colour drawing sheets, Cut them into post card size cards.
  • One one side write the Questions
  • On the reverse write its answer
  • It would look like :

    Area & Perimeter
    Q.1. What is the Formula to find the Breadth of a Rectangle if its area and Length are given?

    Answer to Q.1 (Area and Perimeter)
    RECTANGLE: Area Divided by Length gives Breadth
    Unit does not come in Square
    Eg: Area of a Rectangle is = 48 and Its length is 8 cm.
    What is its breadth?
    Formule: Area / Length = Breadth
    48 / 8= 6 cm Answer

    Note: Flash Cards can be used for any subject.
    Make cards only for those which you want to memorize You must keep atleast 15 days to practice Mock test on daily basis, stick to the exact timing as per the written test scheule
    Now is the time to keep record of your performance.Look at the table below and keep a written record

    S.No:DateSubjectTest No:Marks scoredRemarks
    115 Dec 2018MathematicsMaths 0146 %Must Practice More in SI, P and L, T and Distance, etc.
    215 Dec 2018EnglishEnglish 0148 %Must Practice More in Ant/ One word substitution, Error finding
    315 Dec 2018S.StudiesSS 0156 %Must Practice More in His. science.
    415 Dec 2018Mental AbilityMen Ab 0186 %Must Practice More in Coding and decoding

  • Write marks in Red colour if it is less than 75%
  • Write marks in Blue colour if it is less than 90% but More than 76%
  • Write marks in Green Colour if it is less than 100% but More than 91%
  • From where can I purchase the entire study kit ie one comprehensive kit to clear the Examination and come in merit?
    The Kit can be purchased fromMilitary School Entrance Skill Builder Kit
    What is so special about it?
    The kit contains the following books/ notes prepared by an experienced teacher who was educated in Sainik school and was an instructor in Defence Establishment:-

    1. Solved Model paper One set
    2. Mathematics Guide and Work Book-01
    3. English Guide cum workbook-01
    4. Int Test work book
    5. SS work
    6. Mock test book 5 sets in each subject-01
    7. one month online test code
    Price of the entire kit is Rs.3000 only
    Order for Sainik School Entrance Exam kit by Clicking the ButtonBUY NOW
    For Rashtriya Military School Entrance Kit Click on the link below:- Order for kit by Clicking the ButtonBUY NOW
    You can also order our online practice tests by clicking on the link below: ONLINE TEST
    Please Note:
    we reqularly update our Blog

    kinldy have a look and increase your chances of success and knowledge about the defence forces
    For more information please log on to SAINIK- RIMC For personal counseling please call 094437 20076

    Reqular and systematic practice alone is the k

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