Saturday, May 26, 2018

Sainik/ RMS Entrance Examination- TARGET -2019

 Sample Examination Preparation Schedule for Class VI Sainik/ RMS Entrance Examination- TARGET -2019

Name of the Candidate:ROMEO.A.                Subject: Mathematics
S.No:SubjectChapter Date of Commencement of studyTarget Date to CompleteMarks scored in Chapter Based TestTime TakenRemarks
1.MathematicsArea/ Perimeter 01 June 201803 June 201825/5060 minutesMust Practice More
2.MathematicsGeometry 04 June06 June45/1001 hour and 30 minsWeak in Constructions
3.EnglishAntonyms/ Synonyms 05 July06 July45/ 6040 minutesRead Story books to improve vocabulary
4.GKDefence News 08 June08 June42/5045 minutesGood - keep it up

  • Note: Timing as per the School Entrance Exam has to be ensured for speed and accuracy
  • I suggest please buy our online test and carry out this exercise.
  • Approximately you should take not more than 3 minutes to do a sum
  • You must practice mathematics Daily for 1 to 2 hours in order to score more.
  • Early morning time is the best time
  • Take one class of warm water with a slice of lime and Honey. Proves good for health and memory.
  • If you find it takes more then you need to analyze why and take corrective measure
  • Initailly you must perform the test by going one step by step
  • Here is how?
    1. Write the full question
    2. Step 1: What is given (data/ facts)
    3. Step 2: What is to be found out?
    4. Step 3: What is the formula to be used?
    5. Step 4: Is any converstion of the basic units required? i.e Cm into m or mins into sec, etc.
    6. Step 5. Working / Method of solving: (use logic ask why or how , if ---- then ------)
    7. Step 6: Answer

    In order to remember use FLASH CARDS
    How to make Flash Cards?
  • Get at least 6 different colour drawing sheets, Cut them into post card size cards.
  • One one side write the Questions
  • On the reverse write its answer
  • It would look like :

    Area & Perimeter
    Q.1. What is the Formula to find the Breadth of a Rectangle if its area and Length are given?

    Answer to Q.1 (Area and Perimeter)
    RECTANGLE: Area Divided by Length gives Breadth
    Unit does not come in Square
    Eg: Area of a Rectangle is = 48 and Its length is 8 cm.
    What is its breadth?
    Formule: Area / Length = Breadth
    48 / 8= 6 cm Answer

    Note: Flash Cards can be used for any subject.
    Make cards only for those which you want to memorize You must keep atleast 15 days to practice Mock test on daily basis, stick to the exact timing as per the written test scheule
    Now is the time to keep record of your performance.Look at the table below and keep a written record

    S.No:DateSubjectTest No:Marks scoredRemarks
    115 Dec 2018MathematicsMaths 0146 %Must Practice More in SI, P and L, T and Distance, etc.
    215 Dec 2018EnglishEnglish 0148 %Must Practice More in Ant/ One word substitution, Error finding
    315 Dec 2018S.StudiesSS 0156 %Must Practice More in His. science.
    415 Dec 2018Mental AbilityMen Ab 0186 %Must Practice More in Coding and decoding

  • Write marks in Red colour if it is less than 75%
  • Write marks in Blue colour if it is less than 90% but More than 76%
  • Write marks in Green Colour if it is less than 100% but More than 91%
  • From where can I purchase the entire study kit ie one comprehensive kit to clear the Examination and come in merit?
    The Kit can be purchased fromMilitary School Entrance Skill Builder Kit
    What is so special about it?
    The kit contains the following books/ notes prepared by an experienced teacher who was educated in Sainik school and was an instructor in Defence Establishment:-

    1. Solved Model paper One set
    2. Mathematics Guide and Work Book-01
    3. English Guide cum workbook-01
    4. Int Test work book
    5. SS work
    6. Mock test book 5 sets in each subject-01
    7. one month online test code
    Price of the entire kit is Rs.3000 only
    Order for Sainik School Entrance Exam kit by Clicking the ButtonBUY NOW
    For Rashtriya Military School Entrance Kit Click on the link below:- Order for kit by Clicking the ButtonBUY NOW
    You can also order our online practice tests by clicking on the link below: ONLINE TEST
    Please Note:
    we reqularly update our Blog

    kinldy have a look and increase your chances of success and knowledge about the defence forces
    For more information please log on to SAINIK- RIMC For personal counseling please call 094437 20076

    Reqular and systematic practice alone is the k

    Friday, May 25, 2018

    Revision test for class VI Aspirants of Sainik / RMS/ Kittur/ KV / DOON / Lavdale schools

    Revision test for class VI Aspirants of Sainik / RMS/ Kittur/ KV / DOON / Lavdale schools
    For Answers kindly buy our online test pack
    call 094437 20076

    Revision Test- Day 20 Standard for which this test is good is Class V and Competing for Class VI Entrance Examination. Chapter wise Revision test
    Your Answer

    Name  of Chapter is Numbers

    Numeral for five hundred million six is______________________

    Place value  and face value are always equal for______ Number

    Difference of smallest 6 digit number and the greatest  digit number is

    Numerals that cannot be subtracted in Roman System is/are____

    Roman Numeral of the year when India became a Republic is

    Face value of 3 in 31005660 is_____

    9849475825 is written with commas as ( International System)

    The number of zeroes that come after 1 for 10 crores is_________

    Round off 24500 to the nearest thousands as____

    Numbers that can be repeated in Roman System is/ are____

    Hindu Arabic Numeral for MCDXCIII is______________

    Which is largest? (a) 70787787, (b) 707797787, (c) 707778877, (d) 707797777

    IX + XV + XX=  ____?

    The ascending order of XX, XXXVI, V is____________

    Difference of 500 and 200 is

    Roman numeral for 498 is______

    The product of the least two digit number and the greatest three digit no is

    What is the sum of the successor on the greatest two digit no and least 2 digit no?

    The least Even prime number is

    There are in total _____ English Alphabet used to Write Roman numerals

    Insert commas correctly and write 648340021 in words according to international system.

    Write the place Value of 0 in, 36,04,85,208

    9848022337____ 9848023435, put < or > or = between the two numbers.

    A balloon seller uses 2 m of thread to tie one balloon. If he had used 170698 m of thread, then find the number of balloons he tied.

    A shopkeeper had a stock of 23898 kg of wheat out of which 1795 kg is sold in the morning and 2348 kg of wheat is sold in the evening. Find the quantity of wheat left in the shop.

    What number must be subtracted from 11010101 to get 2635967?

    A factory produces 20 bulbs each day. How many total bulbs that factory will produce in the month of February 2020?

    Write the largest number of different digits formed by using the digits. 2,4,0,3,6,9

    Find the difference between the largest and smallest 6 digit no formed from 2,4,0,3,6,9

    The difference of two numbers is 174325. IF the greater number is 8765432, find the smaller number.

    Sunday, May 20, 2018

    Free online mock test RIMC

     Dear Aspirant
    Greetings from Defence Academy Thanks for purchasing the All India Sainik School Entrance Examination Preparation Kit.

    How to Use this kit

    This kit can be used by you not only for Sainik School Entrance Examination but also for
    1. Rashtriya Military School VI
    2. Jawahar Navodaya School class VI Entrance Examination
    3. Kittoor Rani Chennamma School ( Sainik School for Girls)
    4. Any other Public school class V/ VI Entrance Examination
    After reading the chapter try out only
    Mulitple Choice Questions, That is sufficient for taking Sainik School/ RMS
    + you should use our online testing practice sets
    Regular pactice will make you succeed in the Sainik Entrance or any other entrance exam mentioned above.
    Here is a BONUS online mock test for the aspirant.
    This valid only for 30 days.
    In case you like it, you are most welcome to order for Nine months exam pack Rs. 750 only
    i.e it will take you right upto the day of examination
    This ONLINE Practice test valid for one month
    please visit

    Click on the link below to view the web page FREE ONLINE RIMC MOCK TEST

    use code
    SAINIK001 (Pass Word- all capitals)
    id: This will be username)
    Defence academy coimbatore wishes the candidate all the best for the Sainik / RMS Entrance Exam

    use student log in our web page to ----- to enter the

    Online reqular practice makes you Knowledgeable and successful

    Monday, May 14, 2018

    All India Sainik School Entrance Examination- Non- Residential coaching at Coimbatore

    All India Sainik School Entrance Examination- Non- Residential coaching at Coimbatore

    Defence Academy offers

    Non-Residential coaching for

    sainik school aspirants

    pl contact

    094437 20076

    We also offer

    Online practice Test Pack for

    sainik /rms/ class VI and IX

    RIMC Cl viii


    Thursday, May 10, 2018

    Online Entrance Exam preparation Test Packs for Sainik-RMS- RIMC -2019 available

    Online Entrance Exam preparation Test Packs for Sainik-RMS- RIMC -2019 available

    to order now

    call 094437 20076
    or Visit

    Thursday, May 3, 2018

    Sainik/ rms entrance skill finder tests Free

    Skill Test age 10 years or class v
    Numerical and reasoning and logical test evolution


    You have 5 mins to complete this test.
    Stage 1 has simple numerical ability test. Stage 2 moves on to test your logical way of doing the same test, called Solving the word problem in stage 3 we move on to use reasoning in solving the word problem
    Stage - 1
    1.123+321 =
    2.997-227 =
    3.60 x 25 =
    4.75 Divided by 5 =
    5.999 + 100 =
    6.9999- 99 =
    7.99 x 9 =
    VIII.9999 divided by 9
    9.10000 + 99
    10999 minus X
    11.121x 11
    12.99999 Divided by 100
    Stage :2 (Logic is used here to solve the undermention problem. No steps required, Write your answers in the answer column

    1.What is the sum of the greatest 3 digit number and the least three digit number?
    2.If we take away the smallest single digit number from the greatest Two digit number we get
    3.what is the product of greatest three digit number and the least 3 digit number?
    4If we divide the Greatest 4 digit number by the least two digit number we get___
    Stage:3. Adding reasoning ability to solve the numerical problem

    1.If one hen can lay 1 egg per day. In a cage there are 2 birds, one is hen and one is a cock.
    In 10 days, they can lay_____ eggs.

    2.If a former had 10 goats all but 7 have died how many has he left with?
    3.Sekar had Rs.10000, he wanted to divide this amount in such a way that his elder daughter had 3 times
    more than the younger daughter. The amount his eleder daughter has is ___

    4.If we divide the successor of greatest two digist number by Roman Numeral L, we get
    Please take a print out and solve the above problems in just 5 mins. This will tell you the function of your brain, the results will tell you were you are strong and in which stage you required more improvement
    Our finding:
    A Child with High intelligence rating will get 90%
    An average child will be between 50 to 60
    A child with learning disablity will get under 40%
    What we are looking for in a defence person is ability use all the three aspects in a combination and score at least 75%
    This test was conducted for the persons who aspire to become a defence officer and the findings were:-

    1. Heighest education:____________
    2. Age as on the date of exam________in years and months_____
    3. Male or Female____________________
    4. Medium of Education at school level was__________
    5. Marks scored in maths________% in Class X ___________ and Class XII___________%
    6. Marks scored in English______% in Class X____________and Class XII____________%
    7. His score in Revan standard matrix Non-verbal was__________ out of 60
    8. Area of interest? i,e what you aspire to be?-----------------
    9. Other details about the individual
    His reading habit
    1.How many books have you read which are not related to your college studies, during the last year?

    S.No:Name of the BookName of the Author When ? Approx month



    When the individual was given a command task, in how many methods did he solve the given problem with in 10 minutes useing Different methods?
    Observation on the performance of the candidate:-

    Other Tests to be conducted on the cadet before giving admission:-
    1. Spatial Ability
    2. Verbal - English Language
    3. Mechanical Reasoning
    4. Time taken to solve Chinese puzzle- 7 pieces making a square with one demonstration______ Seconds
    5. Sample of Listening and writing 10 lines English---Audio skill
    6. Speed and Accuracy test
    7. Hand - mind- eye- Co-ordination test computer car gaming three trails
    8. Creative idea test one Minute- Three small day to day useage items are given the child has to make some design in 2 minutes
      Either by doing it or writing / drawing in on a paper
    9. Spoken ability---- tell me about your family members and what you like and dislike?
    10. Reading ability English / Hindi/ Tamil one short para and writing answers for the questions asked -Comprehension test
    11. Simple general Awareness test- Who is the President of India? How many states are there in India?
    12. Medical check up by Doctor to acertain whether the child can take on physical training
    13. Any other test suggested by Psychologist
    14. The above test will us an idea of trainability of the cadet
    15. The overall score of the cadet should be above 75% in order to achieve a high standard after training

    Wednesday, May 2, 2018

    Technical Entry after +2. Only ssb interview- Coaching offered

    10 +2 Tech Entry Navy
    All those who have qualified in JEE Main can now apply for
    +2 Tech Entry in Navy
    Applications would be called for Shortly by Indian Navy

    It is time now for you to join the Defence Academy Coimbatore and commence your Pre- Services Selection Board Interview Training.
    We start a new batch on Every MONDAY

    Duration : 14 Days (One Cycle of Complete SSB Interview Coaching)
    Fee: Rs. 10k Without Accm
    With Accm Rs. 12500 only
    Web site to visit:
    call for more details: 94437 20076