Tuesday, July 29, 2014

RMS / Sainik School Class VI Entrance Model paper

                                    RASHTRIYA MILITARY SCHOOL ENTRANCE MODEL PAPER CLASS VI  ( 2014 )

 1. Arrange the fractions from least to greatest.  
1/ 8,  7/ 6,  2/ 5
          a) 1/8, 7/6, 2/5
          b) 2/5, 7/6, 1/8
          c) 1/8,  2/5, 7/6
          d) 7/6,  1/8, 2/5

 2. Identify the equivalent fractions pairs from the options given below:-
          a) 1 / 2   and 25 /50
          b) 3 / 5 and 60 / 75
          c) 1 / 3 and 5 / 6
          d) 1 / 5 and 9 / 40

 3. Which one of the fraction is greater?  15 / 9  or 1 and 4/ 9
          a) 15 / 9
          b) 1 and 4 / 9
          c) Both are equal

 4. Arrange the decimals in order from least to greatest:
2.27,  0.226,  0.024
          a) 2.27,  0.226,  0.024
          b) 0.024,  0.226,  2.27
          c) 2.27, 0.024, 0.226
          d) 0.024, 2.27, 0.225

 5. What is the average of 1,2,3,4 and 5
          a) 2
          b) 3
          c) 4
          d) 3.5

 6. State True or False:
parallel lines intersect each other
          a) T
          b) F

 7. When it is 12:00 noon in India it would be ______ at Greenwich
          a) 4:30 am
          b) 6:30 am
          c) 5:30 pm
          d) 12:00 Noon

 8. Perpendicular lines come together at right angles.
          a) True
          b) False

 9. centimeters are longer than Decimeters.
          a) True
          b) False

 10. Subtract
23.78 - 12.02 = ?
          a) 11.06
          b) 11.66
          c) 11.76
          d) 11.36

 11. Add
13.07 + 2.34 + 1.00 = ?
          a) 15.41
          b) 16.41
          c) 14.51
          d) 16.31

 12. The Product of 3 x 3 x 7 x 9 is an odd number. ( True or False )
          a) True
          b) False

 13. What is the LCM of 27 and 45?
          a) 9
          b) 125
          c) 135
          d) 145

 14. What is the HCF of 16 and 48?
          a) 48
          b) 8
          c) 16
          d) 4

 15. The kindergarden class is having a party.  Each student will get half vegetable Sanwich, and one quarter of an apple.  There are 17 students in the class.  How many sandwiches and how many apples are needed to feed the class ( Fractions should be converted into whole numbers)
          a) 8 sandwiches and 4 1/2 aples
          b) 9 sandwiches and 5 apples
          c) 8 3/4 sandwiches and 4 1/2 apples
          d) 10 sandwiches and 5 apples

 16. Convert 1 day and  1 hour and 60 minutes into hours.
          a) 25 hours
          b) 26 hours
          c) 28 horus and 60 minutes
          d) 24 hours and 120 minutes

 17. Which is  greater in weight 1 kilogram of Cotton or 1000 grams of Iron?
          a) Cotton
          b) Iron
          c) None of these
          d) both are same

 18. Find the missing measure ? x 5  m = 35 sq m?
          a) 5 m
          b) 6 m
          c) 7 m
          d) 9 m

 19. Solve 4 x ( 8+6) + 8 = ?
          a) 64
          b) 54
          c) 74
          d) 62

 20. What would be the unit of volume of a box?
          a) sq  units
          b) cubic units
          c) units
          d) nothing

 21. One banana takes up a space about   15 cm  x 5 cm  x 4 cm, what is its volume
          a) 200 cubic cm
          b) 250 cubic cm
          c) 300 cubic cm
          d) 350 cubic cm

 22. 4.9 Divided by 0.7 is____
          a) 0.7
          b) 7
          c) 0.07
          d) 0.1

 23. Your house uses 5 units of electricity  per day . each unit cost Rs. 5, what would be the rate of electricty conusmption for the month of April?
          a) Rs. 300
          b) Rs. 750
          c) Rs. 525
          d) Rs. 650

 24. You purchased  3 pens for Rs. 36, what would be the cost of 1 Dozen pesn?
          a) Rs. 12
          b) Rs. 144
          c) Rs. 96
          d) Rs. 36

 25. You bought three colour cloth  the first one was 0.75 m, second one was 1.25 m and the third 3 m. if one m of cloth costs Rs. 50, what is the total amount to be paid?
          a) Rs. 150
          b) Rs. 125
          c) Rs. 250
          d) Rs. 300

 26. What is 30 % of 300 ?
          a) 30
          b) 100
          c) 90
          d) 300

 27. If 1/4 of the students account of 25 % or 25 students, what would be 75% of the strengh equal to?( ie. 75% =___ stuents)
          a) 25
          b) 50
          c) 75
          d) 100

 28. What is 80%  of Rs. 65? Rs____
          a) 62
          b) 52
          c) 42
          d) 32

 29. In a right angled triangle there would be ____ acute angles.
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) None

 30. The longest Chord of a circle is called______
          a) Radius
          b) Arc
          c) Seqment
          d) None of these

 31. A straight angle has_____ degree
          a) 45
          b) 90
          c) 180
          d) 270
          e) 360

 32. What would be the Simple interest earned on an investment of Rs. 3000 at 3% for 2 years?
          a) Rs. 300
          b) Rs. 180
          c) Rs. 1800
          d) Rs. 3180

 33. What is the perimeter of a square whose one side is 5 m?
          a) 25 sq m
          b) 20 m
          c) 20 sq m
          d) 25 m

 34. What is the area of a Rectangle whose length is 6 m and width is 4 m?
          a) 24 m
          b) 24 sq m
          c) 20 sq m
          d) 20 m

 35. Which area is bigger area of a square whose one side is 6 m are a rect angle  whose L = 8 m  and w = 5 m ?
          a) Square
          b) Rect angle
          c) Both have same area

 36. If a Triangle has all the three angles equal it is called
          a) Acute angled triangle
          b) Isoscles Triangle
          c) Obtuse angled triangle
          d) Right angled triangle

 37. If one of the angle of a Triangle is Right angle and the other is 30 degrees, what would be the  third angle be?
          a) 45 degrees
          b) 30 degrees
          c) 60 degrees
          d) 90 degrees

 38. How many sides does a Pentagon has?
          a) 4
          b) 5
          c) 6
          d) 7

 39. An acute angle measure can be  Less than_____________
          a) 60 degrees
          b) 45 degrees
          c) 90 degrees
          d) All the above are correct

 40. A figure that has 2 sides equal and all angles are 90 degrees is called  as a___
          a) Square
          b) Rhombus
          c) Rectangle
          d) Triangle

 41. Which of the following numbers are Prime Numbers?
3, 28, 29, 60, 69 and 70
          a) 3, 28, 29 and 69
          b) 3, 29, 69
          c) 3, and 29
          d) 29 and 69

 42. Which the smallest even prime number ?
          a) 0
          b) 1
          c) 2
          d) 4

 43. Which is the only number wbhich is neither Prime nor composite?
          a) 0
          b) 1
          c) 2
          d) 3

 44. Solve 0.63 divided by 7 =
          a) 9
          b) 0.9
          c) 0.09
          d) 0.009

 45. solve:- 0.000224 divided by 16 = ?
          a) 0.0014
          b) 0.00014
          c) 0.000014
          d) 0.014

 46. (¾) ² =
          a) 3/2
          b) 3/ 16
          c) 9 /16
          d) 3 / 16

 47. Test of Divisibility:
If the last three digits of a number are divisible by 8 0r zero then the number is divisible by
          a) 3
          b) 4
          c) 6
          d) 8

 48. What is the Square root of 100
          a) 1
          b) 5
          c) 10
          d) 100

 49. Find the average of first 10 natural numbers.
          a) 4
          b) 5
          c) 5.5
          d) 6.5

 50. If 62 % of X is 372, then what is the value of X?
          a) 400
          b) 450
          c) 600
          d) 800

 51. English:-
Read the passage given below,  think and answer the questions that follow:-
    Sarojini Naidu was educted in her early days under her father's own care.  he wanted her to become a great mathematicion or scientist but she loved to dream and write poems.  She was hardly eleven when she wrote her first poem.. At thirteen she wrote a long poem in the manner of famous English poets.  In England she met Sir Edmund Gosse who inspired her to write about India.

What did Sarojini Naidu's father want?
          a) He wanted her to become a poet
          b) He wanted her to become a great mathematician
          c) He wanted her to become a great Mathematician or Scientist
          d) He wanted her to become a singer

 52. When  did she write her first poem?
          a) When she was 10 years
          b) when she was thirteen years
          c) When she was eleven years
          d) She never wrote any poem.

 53. Who inspired her to write about India?
          a) He father
          b) Sir Edmund Gosse
          c) Pt. Jawhar lal Nehru
          d) No one

 54. Write words opposite in meaning to those given in Capital letters:
          a) Better
          b) Bitter
          c) pitter
          d) Unsweet

 55. Write words opposite in meaning to those given in Capital letters: FORGIVENESS
          a) unforgive
          b) punishment
          c) kind
          d) cruel

 56. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
Lathika is  a SMART girl.
          a) Lazy
          b) Active
          c) Indecent
          d) Casual

 57. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
The principal LIKED the behaviour of some students.
          a) happy
          b) disliked
          c) angry
          d) cruel

 58. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
Many parts of the thief's story appeared to be IMAGINARY.
          a) real
          b) boring
          c) lies
          d) great

 59. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
kargil is a TOUGHNUT to crack.
          a) ugly
          b) difficult
          c) easy
          d) small

 60. By 26 July Indian army has ADVANCED into the areas occupied by Pakistan.
          a) Flown
          b) Pushed
          c) Retreated
          d) Forward

 61. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
The student was unhappy over his FAILURE in the examination.
          a) Success
          b) Defeat
          c) Victory
          d) Reward

 62. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
There is great POVERTY in many parts of our country.
          a) Poor
          b) Prosperity
          c) Sadness
          d) Happiness

 63. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
Ram impressed everyone with his DECENT behaviour.
          a) Ascenst
          b) Fighter
          c) Bright
          d) Indecent

 64. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
In his HASTE the robber left a clue in the house.
          a) Hurry
          b) Worry
          c) Unhurried
          d) Quick

 65. Choose the word which is closest to the antonym of the word in Capital Letter:-
The wise man INCREASED his money with each passing year.
          a) Expanded
          b) Decreased
          c) Lost
          d) Surrundered

 66. Read the passage and answer the questions:-
     Most people are afraid of snakes, but their fear is as irrational as the fear of Ghosts.  The fear of snakes, according to some biologists, may be as instinct passed on to us by our ancestors.  There many be some truth in this,  because monkey have a deep, instinctive fear of pythons and other tree snakes.  Or, it might be that we learn the fear of snakes as children, from grown ups. Any way, snakes have been feared and hated for thousands of years and in the literature of many countries, the snakes is regarded as a symbol of evil.

The  fear of snakes is prevalent among
          a) young children
          b) women
          c) oldmen
          d) Almost all

 67. Fear of snakes is a sign of____
          a) Madness
          b) Cowardice
          c) Irrationality
          d) Superstition

 68. The writer tries to Justify his views on the basis of___
          a) Religious truths
          b) Sceintific explanations
          c) Imaginary ideas
          d) Historic evidence

 69. We learn the fear of snakes as children from____
          a) Grown up's
          b) Tree snakes
          c) Monkeys
          d) Ghosts

 70. The snake is regarded as
          a) A ghost
          b) a symbol of evil
          c) our ancestor
          d) a biologist

 71. Find the correctly spelt word.
          a) Grammar
          b) Grammer
          c) Gremmer

 72. Find the correctly spelt word.
          a) Counceller
          b) Counsellor
          c) Councelot

 73. Find the correctly spelt word.
          a) Recieve
          b) receive
          c) resive

 74. Fill in the blanks from the words chosen from the bracket.
I want to _____ in the ship.
          a) Sail
          b) Sale
          c) Sell
          d) ceil

 75. Please do not__________tea into my cup.
          a) Pore
          b) Pour
          c) pure
          d) bore

 76. The cook used self raising _____ for the cake.
          a) Floor
          b) Flower
          c) Flour
          d) Fleur

 77. The mouse nibbled the _____ of cake.
          a) Piece
          b) pice
          c) Peace
          d) Pease

 78. The dog is wagging______ tail.
          a) her
          b) its
          c) it's
          d) own

 79. Re arrange the following sentences
Flatly refused/  the prisoner / at first / food.
          a) Food first the prisoner flatly refused
          b) At first the prisoner flatly refused food
          c) The prisoner at first flatly refused food
          d) Faltly refused food at first the prisoner

 80. Re arrange the following sentences
The child's cradle / a saucer of milk / the snakes soon found / near
          a) Near the snakes soon found a saucer of milk the child's cradle
          b) The child's cradle the snakes soon found near a saucer of milk
          c) The snake soon found a saucer of milk near the child's cradle
          d) The child soon found a saucer of milk near the snake

 81. Re arrange the following sentences
was hidden / he approached / where  I / the spot.
          a) The spot where I was hidden he approached
          b) He approached the spot where I was hidden
          c) Where I was hidden he approached
          d) The spot was hidden where I was

 82. The train ______ before we reach the station.
          a) left
          b) has left
          c) will have left

 83. She went out with out ____ money
          a) any
          b) some
          c) a few

 84. Jane ____ for me.
          a) Weight
          b) Wait
          c) Wight

 85. What is the plural  of OX?
          a) oxes
          b) cows
          c) Oxen

 86. What is the plural of Furniture
          a) Furniture
          b) Furnitures

 87. What is the Feminine form of FOX
          a) She fox
          b) Female fox
          c) Vixen

 88. The collective noun of a group of ship
          a) Many ships
          b) Ships
          c) Fleet
          d) Navy

 89. Change the following adjective into Positive
          a) Strongest
          b) Strong

 90. Change the following adjective into Positive
          a) Heavy
          b) Heaviest
          c) Heavier

 91. Fill in the blanks :-
Kolkatta is ____ from Mumbai than Chennai
          a) Further
          b) Farther
          c) father

 92. This is the _________milk booth to my house.
          a) Nearest
          b) next
          c) near

 93. His ______ brother is a doctor.
          a) older
          b) elder
          c) old

 94. The people voted for the______ candidate.
          a) Best
          b) Better

 95. The child has a ____ cold.
          a) Severe
          b) Severest

 96. Choose the correct verb from those given as choices and fill in the blanks:-
I_____ go to bed by 9 p.m
          a) went
          b) go
          c) going

 97. May I have some water before ___ to bed?
          a) go
          b) shall go
          c) going

 98. She _____ asleep while she was driving
          a) falls
          b) fell
          c) has fallen

 99. I am sure I_____ him at the school yesterday.
          a) saw
          b) have seen
          c) had seen

 100. The moon _____ around the earth.
          a) move
          b) moves
          c) moved

 101. General Knowledge:-
Who invented Aeroplane?
          a) E. Torricelli
          b) Wright Brothers
          c) Thomas Alva Edison
          d) Charles baggs

 102. Who invented Refrigerator?
          a) Sir Charles Parsons
          b) James watt
          c) James Harrison
          d) Z. Janseen

 103. Who published the Newspaper KESARI?
          a) B.G. Tilak
          b) Lala Lajpat Rai
          c) Annie Besant
          d) MK Gandhi

 104. Who wrote the book GITANJALI?
          a) R.K. Narayan
          b) Kushwant Singh
          c) Rabindra nath Tagor
          d) Jawharlal Nehru

 105. When a Symbol of OLIVE BRANCH is shown what does it mean?
          a) War
          b) peace
          c) winner
          d) Danger

 106. What is the new name of BANARAS?
          a) Kasi
          b) Uttar kasi
          c) Varanasi
          d) Allahabad

 107. Original inhabitants of North America is called_____
          a) Indian
          b) Black indians
          c) Nigroes
          d) Red Indians

 108. Who discovered the Sea route to India?
          a) Morco polo
          b) Columbus
          c) Vasco-da- Game
          d) Macgalan

 109. Who was Dr. Sarvapalli Radhrishnan?
          a) First Prime minister of India
          b) He was the Second President of India
          c) He was the first Chief minster of Andhra Pradesh
          d) He was a famous poet and Noble prize winner

 110. Who was the first Russian Cosmonaut who orbited the earth in April 1961. He was the first man to travel  in space.
          a) Neil Strong
          b) Stalin
          c) Yuri Gagarin
          d) Sqn Leader Rakesh Sharma

 111. Who was known as the IRON MAN OF INDIA?
          a) MK Ghandi
          b) Jawaharlal Nehru
          c) Sardar Vallabbhai Patel
          d) Narendra Modi

 112. Who is the founder of Buddhism?
          a) Mahavir Jain
          b) Buddha
          c) Ashoka
          d) Ambedkar

 113. When was Mahatma gandhi Assassinated?
          a) 14 Aug 1947
          b) 30 Jan 1948
          c) 13 March 1948
          d) 02 October 1949

 114. Bangladesh was created  ( liberated ) in the year
          a) 1962
          b) 1965
          c) 1971
          d) 1998

 115. What was the name of the first satellite that was launched by India?
          a) Apple- I
          b) Kalpana I
          c) Chandrayan - I
          d) Aryabhatta

 116. Name the defence minister of India ( July 2014)
          a) AK Anotony
          b) Arun Jaitley
          c) Narendra Modi
          d) Gen VK Singh

 117. What is the airforce rank equal to Lieutenant of army
          a) Pilot Officer
          b) Captain
          c) Flying Officer
          d) Lieutenant

 118. How many islands form the  Andaman and Nicobar ?
          a) 101
          b) 127
          c) 204
          d) 27

 119. Which state in India is the largest producer of COFFEE?
          a) Kerala
          b) Mizoram
          c) Karnataka
          d) Karnataka and Kerala

 120. Where is Indian Military Academy located?
          a) Gaya
          b) Chennai
          c) Delhil
          d) Dehradun

 121. Gir National park is situated in
          a) Andhra
          b) Gujarat
          c) Rasjasthan
          d) Assam

 122. Periyar Game Sanctuary is located in
          a) Tamil nadu
          b) Karnataka
          c) Kerala
          d) Goa

 123. Ajanta Caves are located in
          a) Guajrat
          b) Madhya Pradesh
          c) Maharashtra
          d) Karnataka

 124. Whose resting place  ( Smathi) is VIJAY Ghat?
          a) Indira Gandhi
          b) Rajeev Gandhi
          c) Lal Bahadur Shastri
          d) MK Gandhi

 125. Where is the famous Golcumbaz located?
          a) Amaravathi nagar
          b) Ellora
          c) New delhi
          d) Bijapur

 126. Who is the writer of our national song?
          a) Rabindranath Tagore
          b) MK Gandhi
          c) Bankim chandra
          d) Pandit Nehru

 127. What is the national Emblem of Australia?
          a) Dove
          b) Lotus
          c) kangaro
          d) Lion

 128. Agra is located on the banks of the river banks of the river______
          a) Ganaga
          b) Yamuna
          c) Sutlej
          d) Beas

 129. What is the capital of Tripura?
          a) Imphal
          b) Kohima
          c) Agartala
          d) Itanagar

 130. Who is the president of USA
          a) Abraham Lingon
          b) Charles Nicklose
          c) Barack Obama
          d) Bill Clinton

 131. When is the army day celebrated?
          a) 1 april
          b) 15 Jan
          c) 08 Oct
          d) 10 Dec

 132. What is the minimum age for a person to statand for Presidential election in India?
          a) 25 years
          b) 30 years
          c) 35 years
          d) 40 years

 133. How many states are there in India?
          a) 26
          b) 28
          c) 29
          d) 31

 134. What is the salary of President of India per month?
          a) Rs. 75,000
          b) Rs. 1,25,000
          c) Rs. 1,50,000
          d) Rs.1,00,000

 135. What is the official Residence of Governor of any indian state is known as
          a) Rashtrabathi Bhawan
          b) Governor Bhawan
          c) Raj Bhawan
          d) Governors palace

 136. What is the Normal heart beat of a human being?
          a) 106  to 180 /minute
          b) 72 to 75 per minute
          c) 62 to 65 per minute
          d) 20 to 32 per minute

 137. Which is the largest gland in the human body?
          a) Brain
          b) Liver
          c) Heart
          d) Stomach

 138. When is teacher's daty celebrated?
          a) 1 May
          b) 6th october
          c) 5th september
          d) 15th january

 139. Which is the first country to host the modern Olympics?
          a) London
          b) Canada
          c) Greece
          d) USA

 140. Name the first Indian to win the Noble Prize.
          a) Sir CV Raman
          b) Mother Teresa
          c) Rabindra Nath Tagore
          d) Hargobin Khorana

 141. Where was the XX commonwealth games held?
          a) Tokyo
          b) Delhi
          c) Glasco
          d) Ottawa

 142. Which is the oldest paramilitary force in India ( It was established in the year 1835)
          a) Rashtriya Rilfes
          b) CRPF
          c) Assam Rifles
          d) BSF

 143. Athletics are held  on ____
          a) ground
          b) Field
          c) Track
          d) Ring

 144. Davis Cup is associated with________sports
          a) Football
          b) Hockey
          c) Cricket
          d) Lawn Tennis

 145. Where was the world cup For Foot ball FIFA of 2014 held?
          a) Italy
          b) Germany
          c) Rio de janiro
          d) Moscow

 146. Which country won the 2014 World cup foot ball?
          a) Argentian
          b) Russia
          c) England
          d) Germany

 147. Dhyan chand Trophy is associated with
          a) Athletics
          b) Volleyball
          c) Hockey
          d) Shooting

 148. 15th anniversary of Kargil Vijay Diwas was Celebrated across the country on ____
          a) 15 Dec 2013
          b) 15 Jan 2014
          c) 26 July 2014

          d) 08 Sep 2014

 149. Where will the 2016 summer olympics games are scheduled to be held?
          a) UK
          b) Brazil
          c) China
          d) Greece

 150. Name of the First Indian Submarine ?
          a) I.N.S. Cauveri
          b) I.N.S. Kukri
          c) I.N.S. Arihant
          d) I.N.S. Sindhuraksak

 151. Intelligence Test:
“Boat is to water” therefore “Plane is to _____”
          a) Fly
          b) Sky
          c) Float
          d) Air

 152. The following series of numbers contains one number that does not fit the pattern set by the others.  What number does not fit?  3, 5, 7, 11, 14, 17
          a) 5
          b) 7
          c) 11
          d) 14
          e) 17

 153. “Pig is to pork” as “Cow is to _____”:
          a) lamb
          b) beef
          c) stew
          d) cattle

 154. For each of the following diagrams, select the item below it which would complete the pattern:
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) 4
          e) 6

 155. For each of the following diagrams, select the item below it which would complete the pattern:
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) 4
          e) 5

 156. For each of the following diagrams, select the item below it which would complete the pattern:
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) 4
          e) 5

 157. >  ? ? = + ( What symbol comes in place of Question Marks)
          a) < =
          b) = >
          c) = >
          d) > =

 158. $ # # % % % |      # % % $ $ $ |   ?  |       $ # # % % %
          a) # $ $ % % %
          b) # $ $ % % %
          c) # # # % % $
          d) % % % # # $

 159. + - - X + + + - - - - X + + + ? ? ? - - - - - X
          a) + - -
          b) - - -
          d) + + -

 160. * * | o o o o | * * ? | o o ? | * * * * | o o |
          a) * *
          b) * o
          c) o *
          d) o o

 161. Which one is the odd man out of the following
          a) Pool
          b) water
          c) Pond
          d) Lake

 162. Odd one out
          a) Brook
          b) Stream
          c) River
          d) Pond

 163. Odd one out
          a) August
          b) December
          c) January
          d) November

 164. Odd one out
          a) Shield
          b) Spear
          c) Arrow
          d) Dagger

 165. Odd one out
          a) Bugle
          b) Trumpet
          c) Guitar
          d) Flute

 166. Odd one out
          a) Sit
          b) Run
          c) Walk
          d) Jog

 167. Odd one out
          a) Platinum
          b) Ivory
          c) Gold
          d) Silver

 168. Find the odd one out
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) 4

 169. Find the odd one out
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) 4

 170. Find the odd one out
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) 4

 171. Choose the correct sequence
Day,   ______, Month,  Year
          a) Century
          b) Fortnight
          c) Decade
          d) Hour

 172. Choose the correct sequence
building, town, _______, country
          a) Planet
          b) continent
          c) State
          d) Apartment

 173. heel, knee, chest, _______
          a) foot
          b) neck
          c) waist
          d) Ankle

 174. April, _______ , September, November
          a) August
          b) June
          c) July
          d) May

 175. Earth, Jupiter, _______ , Pluto
          a) Mercury
          b) Venus
          c) Uranus
          d) Mars

 176. bat, sheep, _______ , elephant
          a) Horse
          b) Blue whale
          c) Rat
          d) Squirrel

 177. egg, _______ , pupa, butterfly
          a) cocoon
          b) spawn
          c) tadpole
          d) larva

 178. Which number logically follows this series: 4 - 6 - 9 - 6 - 14 - 6 - ...
          a) 6
          b) 17
          c) 19
          d) 21

 179. Which of the figures in the bottom row should logically be in the spot of the question mark in the top row?

          a) A
          b) B
          c) C
          d) D
          e) E

 180. Which is the odd one out
          a) Rose
          b) Mari Gold
          c) Lotus
          d) Tomato

The word "racecar" is spelled the same forwards and backwards.

          a) Yes
          b) No

 182. Two of the following numbers add up to seventeen.    6 - 13 - 2 - 12 - 7 - 14
          a) False
          b) True

 183. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
          a) Shark
          b) Deer
          c) Cow
          d) Dog
          e) Lion

 184. If you rearrange the letters "ANICH", you would have the name of a/an:
          a) Country
          b) Ocean
          c) State
          d) City
          e) Animal

 185. Which one of these four symbols is least like the other three?

          a) A
          b) B
          c) C
          d) D

 186. If you rearrange the letters "TOOKY", you would have the name of a/an:
          a) City
          b) State
          c) Country
          d) Ocean
          e) Animal

 187. What is the minimum number of toothpicks necessary to spell the word "HAT".  (You are not allowed to break or bend any toothpicks.)

          a) Five
          b) Six
          c) Seven
          d) Eight
          e) Nine

 188. Three birds and and four dogs have how many total legs.   (Assume no abnormalities and a typical bird.)
          a) 4
          b) 12
          c) 18
          d) 20
          e) 22

 189. If you rearrange the letters "NOPTYH", you would have the name of a/an:

          a) Animal
          b) Ocean
          c) Country
          d) State
          e) City

 190. Which one of the five makes the best comparison? Son is to mother as nephew is to:
          a) aunt
          b) mother
          c) daughter
          d) uncle
          e) nephew

 191. Which one of the five makes the best comparison? Tree is to shade as chimney is to:
          a) fireplace
          b) brick
          c) sky
          d) garage
          e) Smoke

 192. Which one of the letters does not belong in the following series: D - F - H - J - K - N - P - R
          a) K
          b) H
          c) J
          d) N
          e) P

 193. Which number is the next logical number in the following sequence of numbers: 2, 6, 14, 30, ..
          a) 42
          b) 82
          c) 62
          d) 54
          e) 38

 194. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
          a) Taste
          b) Smile
          c) Grin
          d) Frown
          e) Grimace

 195. Which one of the five is least like the other four?
God is to Dog as Fun is to:

          a) Nuf
          b) Fantasy
          c) Fun
          d) Can
          e) Fine

Imagine the numbers 1 through 30, written in a row.  If you added together any two numbers that are next to each other, you'd always get an odd number.
          a) True
          b) False

 197. What is the next number in the following series? 16 - 11 - 13 - 8 - 10 - 5 - 7 -
          a) 1
          b) 2
          c) 3
          d) 12

 198. The word "veal" can be spelled using four of the letters from the word "avalanche".
          a) True
          b) False

 199. Which one of the numbers in the series is wrong, and should be replaced? 2 - 4 - 8 - 16 - 20 - 22 - 44 - 46
          a) 16
          b) 20
          c) 22
          d) 44
          e) 46

 200. Happiness is to Senipah as 517768399 is to
          a) 993866715.
          b) 993887715.
          c) 993867615.
          d) 993867715.

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