Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Can you survive?  Commando Survival cum Leadership Enhancement program me

Commando camp individual tasks
1.       Water crawl
2.       Running through fire
3.       Tyre jump
4.       Tarzan Swing
5.       Confidence walk
6.       Parallel rope
7.       Monkey crawl
8.       High jump
9.       Pass through tyre
10.   Dare devil jump (Tiger Leap)

At happy valley
1.       Low rope cake walk
2.       Tyre walk
3.       Walk on bricks
4.       Space walk
5.       Walk on rope
6.       Walk on rings
High Rope
7.       Burma Bridge
8.       Wall walk
9.       Tyre walk
10.   Space walk
11.   Monkey crawl
12.   Devil walk
13.   Blind walk
14.   Flying Fox
Group activity
15.   Climb the wall
16.   Know your partner
17.   Trampoline
18.   Leaders talk
19.   Business plan
20.   Acid river
21.   Trust your group
22.   Are you a leader?
23.   Psychometric tests
24.   Can you become an officer
25.   Talk your way to success ( PDDT)

Activities at Annur
Tent –shelter making- Navigation - Progressive group task
Half group task- Command Task-Group Planning
Fire the target-Solar still-Catch your meal
Cook you own food -Make fire- Live in the open for a day

At Happy Valley
Indoor + out door activities
Food first day all meals in the canteen
 Friday ----- Reach happy valley By own transport  to reach by  0700 hours
                     Out bound training YES I CAN-   07:30-09:00 am      
                      Wash and breakfast 09:00 to 10:00
                      Indoor Psych test 10:05 to     13: 00
                      13:00- 13.45 Lunch
                      14:00- Post Lunch In Door Activities
      Group Plan,   Indoor activities know your team
      17:00- 18:00 bath and change
     18:00- 20:00 Camp fire and Watch a movie
 Note: The performance of the team would be shown here and they would be told about their   short comings              
Saturday 07:00 Briefing and navigate to Annur camp
   08:00 am to 17:00 hours ---How Smart Are you?
(Have your breakfast at happy valley- packed food would be given)
Earn for the next meal Exercise and Navigation to 
Camp II at Basur - Cook your own food
Build a shelter- Make fire- Camp fire at Camp II
Group dance- sharing experience by defence officer
05:00 navigate to Camp - III
07:00 reach camp - III
07:00- 08:00 wash and have breakfast  
08:00- 09:00 Individual tasks
09:00-11:30 Progressive Group tasks
11.30 To 13:00 Find lunch
13:00-14.00 shooting and Solar still making
14:00- 15:00 Commandos Self Defence lessons
15:00- 16:00 Debriefing and feed back
16:00 – 17:00 Distribution of Certificates, pinning of Commando Badge
18:00 – Adieu- Move back to Home   
Benefits of this training
You will understand if you have the following qualities in you
1.       Effective Intelligence,           2. Reasoning ability, 3 Planning and Organizing Ability 4. Power of Expression
5. Social adaptability, 6. Co-operation, 7.Sense of Responsibility
 8. Initiative, 9.Self Confidence. 10. Speed of decision, 11 Ability to influence the Group,
12. Liveliness, 13.Determination, 14.Courage;   and   15. Stamina             

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