Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ways to Crack the GTO Tasks at SSB Interviews

                            Simple Rules to remembera)      Listen to the Group Testing Officers Briefing ( before any test begins he gives out his briefing  )b)      OBSERVE the Items / obstaclesc)       Plan your own way to negotiate the obstacle with available resourcesd)      Every Task can be done in a min of three methodse)      Do not come under pressure think and actf)       Share and care about othersg)      Others to can see it so explain the task before you ventureh)      Do not be a followers or just  an observeri)        Do some action, that will help the team to clear the obstacle as soon as possiblej)        There are only four major way of getting across the obstacle ( with given resources)k)      I) Lever methodl)        Ii) Reverse Lever Methodm)    Iii) Bridging the gapn)      Iv) Reducing the distance ( watch out for the distance rule as per briefing of the GTO)o)      V) Effective use of the ROPEp)      VI) Intelligent use of the once usable item ( if given)

Observe- think- Act- have a alternate planBE A PERFORMER

For ssb coaching

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