Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Ways to Crack the GTO Tasks at SSB Interviews

                            Simple Rules to remembera)      Listen to the Group Testing Officers Briefing ( before any test begins he gives out his briefing  )b)      OBSERVE the Items / obstaclesc)       Plan your own way to negotiate the obstacle with available resourcesd)      Every Task can be done in a min of three methodse)      Do not come under pressure think and actf)       Share and care about othersg)      Others to can see it so explain the task before you ventureh)      Do not be a followers or just  an observeri)        Do some action, that will help the team to clear the obstacle as soon as possiblej)        There are only four major way of getting across the obstacle ( with given resources)k)      I) Lever methodl)        Ii) Reverse Lever Methodm)    Iii) Bridging the gapn)      Iv) Reducing the distance ( watch out for the distance rule as per briefing of the GTO)o)      V) Effective use of the ROPEp)      VI) Intelligent use of the once usable item ( if given)

Observe- think- Act- have a alternate planBE A PERFORMER

For ssb coaching

Group Planning Exercise at SSB / FSB Interview- Practice set 03

Group Plan Ex -03 Indian Coast Guard 2014 Feb Noida

You are a group of eight young engineering students as well as NCC Cadets, you had attended a week of leadership training camp at ARJUN College at BHIMBA. You were going to SARAKA town where you are staying in a hostel. You were to report at the college SARAKA by 16:30 Hours.  While you were at the cross road tea stall, having tea and waiting for the bus, at that time you saw man who was bleeding from his head, came towards you and saying that he was a car driver who had two passengers, who were planning to plant a bomb on the Road – Rail Track, at 1430 hours so that they can derail the passenger train that was supposed to pass the bridge at 1430 hours. Since the driver raised the voice to know who they were, they bet him with their gun and threw him out of the car and drove the car away. Saying this he fainted at the tea stall.  Just then another person came by a bicycle and informed you that a school van with 15 children had gone off the bridge and slowly sinking in the river. At the same time another man came to inform you that a snake has entered into the house and you should help him catch it. On enquiry you found that there is motor garage nearby who has a recovery vehicle.
You do not have any cell phone of local phone at the shop. The tea shop had just one person. You can make assumptions.   The time now is 1410 hours. The road you are standing now has very little traffic and the bus is expected at 1420 hours. The bus speed is just 40 km per hour.
You as brave cadets what actions will you take?  

Dear aspirants 
make a diagram and post it to me

What are you ? A Follower or a Performer?

17 times failed at SSB, 18th time I have made it!!!!!!!!!

Hi  friends,
Thanks to the article written by Colonel Jayavel of Defence Academy Coimbator
The article made me realize what my mistake was.
Thank you colonel.   I owe you a hundred salute for making me succeed at last.
I will surely visit your academy after I put on the Pips.
Future Sub lieutenant LAL KESHAVAN, Kottayam

Folks read on the article and get benefitted
Follower and a Performer
Tips for success by Lt.Col CS Jayavel

The Services Selection Board is on the lookout for PERFORMERS and not the
Find out who you are:-

An observer is a person who is satisfied to let others do the job and is satisfied that SOMEONE will do it
A Follower on the other hand if he does it I will help him. If I am told I will do, if not leave it as it is.
A Performer, I can do it, If I don’t others will not do it, Let me set an example.

Can this be seen in our day to day life???
Suresh is the School people leader
His responsibility to reach the school early, arrange the audio system, see to it the assembly hall is cleaned. Chairs are arranged. Before the students and the staff arrive.
In consultation with the headmaster, organize the boys and girls of different classes during the previous week and make them talk / act on various events.
Represent the school in various local meeting. Organise school games by talking to the Sports officer.
Change the daily thought by going to the library every evening.
Practice drill with volunteers to put up a show for the Republic/ independence day.
Go with teachers to invite chief guest for the school functions.
He is Bold
He dresses well
He spends extra time to practice his drill movements
He interacts with teacher and administrative staff to see the assembly starts and ends well.
He takes part in extracurricular activities.
Good In sports and organizing events
Has Initiative. Co-operates with other students
Meticulous in his studies.

When he goes to any Interview along with
A Follower or a Observer
You know the result
So folks wake up, start becoming a performer by doing small things well
Seek additional responsibilities.
You will surely make it at THE SSB interviews

Can you survive?  Commando Survival cum Leadership Enhancement program me

Commando camp individual tasks
1.       Water crawl
2.       Running through fire
3.       Tyre jump
4.       Tarzan Swing
5.       Confidence walk
6.       Parallel rope
7.       Monkey crawl
8.       High jump
9.       Pass through tyre
10.   Dare devil jump (Tiger Leap)

At happy valley
1.       Low rope cake walk
2.       Tyre walk
3.       Walk on bricks
4.       Space walk
5.       Walk on rope
6.       Walk on rings
High Rope
7.       Burma Bridge
8.       Wall walk
9.       Tyre walk
10.   Space walk
11.   Monkey crawl
12.   Devil walk
13.   Blind walk
14.   Flying Fox
Group activity
15.   Climb the wall
16.   Know your partner
17.   Trampoline
18.   Leaders talk
19.   Business plan
20.   Acid river
21.   Trust your group
22.   Are you a leader?
23.   Psychometric tests
24.   Can you become an officer
25.   Talk your way to success ( PDDT)

Activities at Annur
Tent –shelter making- Navigation - Progressive group task
Half group task- Command Task-Group Planning
Fire the target-Solar still-Catch your meal
Cook you own food -Make fire- Live in the open for a day

At Happy Valley
Indoor + out door activities
Food first day all meals in the canteen
 Friday ----- Reach happy valley By own transport  to reach by  0700 hours
                     Out bound training YES I CAN-   07:30-09:00 am      
                      Wash and breakfast 09:00 to 10:00
                      Indoor Psych test 10:05 to     13: 00
                      13:00- 13.45 Lunch
                      14:00- Post Lunch In Door Activities
      Group Plan,   Indoor activities know your team
      17:00- 18:00 bath and change
     18:00- 20:00 Camp fire and Watch a movie
 Note: The performance of the team would be shown here and they would be told about their   short comings              
Saturday 07:00 Briefing and navigate to Annur camp
   08:00 am to 17:00 hours ---How Smart Are you?
(Have your breakfast at happy valley- packed food would be given)
Earn for the next meal Exercise and Navigation to 
Camp II at Basur - Cook your own food
Build a shelter- Make fire- Camp fire at Camp II
Group dance- sharing experience by defence officer
05:00 navigate to Camp - III
07:00 reach camp - III
07:00- 08:00 wash and have breakfast  
08:00- 09:00 Individual tasks
09:00-11:30 Progressive Group tasks
11.30 To 13:00 Find lunch
13:00-14.00 shooting and Solar still making
14:00- 15:00 Commandos Self Defence lessons
15:00- 16:00 Debriefing and feed back
16:00 – 17:00 Distribution of Certificates, pinning of Commando Badge
18:00 – Adieu- Move back to Home   
Benefits of this training
You will understand if you have the following qualities in you
1.       Effective Intelligence,           2. Reasoning ability, 3 Planning and Organizing Ability 4. Power of Expression
5. Social adaptability, 6. Co-operation, 7.Sense of Responsibility
 8. Initiative, 9.Self Confidence. 10. Speed of decision, 11 Ability to influence the Group,
12. Liveliness, 13.Determination, 14.Courage;   and   15. Stamina             

094437 20076


There are two ways of getting a call to attend the SERVICES SELECTION BOARD INTERVIEW

A) By taking a Qualifying written examination
B) Direct SSB Interview for Short listed Candidates ( Based  on their Marks scored in +2 / UG / PG/ Performance Report for Service candidates)

When called up for interview depending on which force is
Territorial Army
Coast Guard

You  will be asked to appear in the SSB/ PSB  ( Pre-selection board/ Final Selection Board Centre)

  • Take your clothing / Certificates as per the Call up letter
  • Report on time at the given place
  • Know what you would be facing at the SSB/ FSB Interview
  • Phase I - SCREENING 
    • Verbal Intelligence Tests
    • Non Verbal Intelligence Tests
    • Picture Perception and Description test
    • A short GD On the picture and its story
  • Generally  the crowd would be large
  • Your chances of screening in depends on the following :-
  • The marks or Grade you scored in the Verbal and Non verbal IQ Tests
  • The Picture that you have imagined and perceived and written on the answer sheet
  • The way you narrate the story
  • The way you interact with others in the Group Discussion.
  • This holds good whether you are a fresher ( i.e  a candidate appearing for the first time appearing for ssb Or a Repeater)
  • The chances are better for a fresher. 60 % chances you will be retained for the next phase.

  • How to prepare?
  • A lot of books available in the market. Your college library has a good stock. Use it.
  • Get the knack of solving these with in the allotted time

  • You can order this online and use it
  • It has verbal , non verbal and PPDT tests for practice
  • For knowing how to write a satisfactory story-  Observe the picture shown to you
  • Write your findings as explained by the Psychologist who would be briefing before the test
  • Bring out the action taken by the hero / heroine  to solve the Problem or achieve his/her aim.
  • Talk in a loud and clear voice
  • Take active part in the GD ( Be with in the first three speakers)
  • Make a story out of the discussed theme and then narrate it to the board.
  • Taking the lead does not mean shouting and dominating ( Watch out !!!)

  • Once Screened in take your luggage back to the room / hall allotted and make friends with others.

  • CALL US AT 094437 20076