Thursday, October 8, 2020

SSB / FSB Personal Interview- Suggestions for SSB/FSB Aspirants


SSB / FSB Personal Interview- Suggestions for SSB/FSB Aspirants


How to face with Confidence- Tips Offered Our e-book has three sample interview Rs.25 only.






Attend our Mock Interview. our IO was the former Deputy president of 18 SSB Allahabad.

Online Interview Fee Rs.1500 Only

In person at our academy Rs.2500

Visit:- www.ssbcoaching.comCall:- 94437 20076


Personal Interview in SSB/ FSB- Hot tips


Here are a few tips and how to prepare for a personal interview for SSB or Final Selection Board of the Coast Guard


What is an SSB Interview?


SSB/ FSB interview is one-to-one direct interaction between the Candidate and the Interviewing officer in a closed room The personal interview of a candidate is taken by the Interviewing Officer (IO) a senior officer, either the Deputy Commandant or the Commandant of the SSB Board The interview between the two will of a duration of 45 minutes to 1 hour approximately. During this interview, the IO assesses your personality and makes up his mind about your recommendation. It is, therefore, most important to display the “WHAT YOU REALY ARE?” It is a sales talk by you to the Buyer the IO. The only thing in this is the item to be sold is you

The person who is able to sell himself becomes a winner. How you tackle his questions, how you present yourself is what matters




The PIQ is exactly like the contents displayed in the index of a book. It gives an initial blueprint of the candidate to the IO as it is the first thing he reads before the interview. Hence PIQ needs to be carefully filled with precision and accuracy. Fill Personal Information (Name, Address, Educational Details, Family Details, Participation in sports, extracurricular activities, responsibilities held etc) properly, neatly, tidily in best of handwriting as it reflects a lot about your personality. Avoid spelling mistakes, cuttings and overwriting and also avoid bluff or keep writing unwanted things. Do not write anything that you cannot correctly explain. NO IMAGINATION PLEASE




I have seen many candidates attaching photographs, that are very old, not shaved and the look of the individual is very casual- You are setting a wrong example, Dress and a neat turn out, dress up formally. How you present yourself, is how people first few you. First impression is the last impression. You make the first impression the way you dress up (well ironed, clean and starched clothes with well-polished shoes). Greet well politely when you enter the room and have a firm handshake if offered.




Sit straight and look up. Maintain Eye contact and avoid unnecessary movements. Get relaxed and keep a constant smile on your face. It is assured this smile and confidence does wonders. It shows your keen interest, activeness and enthusiastic nature. Listen to the questions before you answer. Many candidates are in the habit of answering without listening to the entire question. Speak with interest and verbose in your voice by proper voice modulation wherever necessary.




The IO will start with questions about yourself, your family members and friends. Your concentration helps you to keep the sequence of rapid-fire questions in your head and reply well with organized ideas. Be positive and optimistic in your overall outlook and rationally answer the questions. Your views with consideration and valid logics are appreciated, hence avoid unnecessary conclusions and arguments with the IO.


To Lie are Not to Lie


How would you like, if someone tells a lie and you are able to note it. If you do not like, so is the IO, A sure shot "NR" will be the result your truthful nature and authenticity are the primary requirements. Be a good speaker with genuine thoughts and expressions. If you try to bluff and lie about your achievements or hobbies or boast about something you have not done, it leads to a question mark on your originality and credibility. Hold the attention of the listener by being genuinely honest and take up your downfalls with grace. If you get stuck somewhere because of lack of knowledge on the subject, frankly accept being unaware of it.




Knowing something about everything in and around you matters


What are you? Do proper self-introspection and be ready to tackle the trickiest questions put up to you. No one knows you better than yourself, hence analyze yourself properly from your past, present and to your future approach. How you present your thoughts and ideas is more important. Also develop an understanding of the things happening around you, in society, country and the world. Formally address the queries in the most comprehensive and optimistic way.








Attend our Mock Interview. our IO was the former Deputy president of 18 SSB Allahabad Online Interview Fee Rs. 1500 Only.

In person at our academy Rs. 2500Visit:- call Interviewing Officer (IO) a senior officer, either the Deputy Commandant or the Commandant of the SSB Board The interview between the two will of a duration of 45 minutes to 1 hour approximately. During this interview, the IO assesses your personality and makes up his mind about your recommendation. It is, therefore, most important to display the “WHAT YOU REALLY ARE?” It is a sales talk by you to the Buyer the IO. The only thing in this is the item to be sold is you.

The person who is able to sell himself becomes a winner. How you tackle his questions, how you present yourself is what matters .

Normally the IO follows a set pattern of questions pertaining to:-About you and your family members Friends and relatives Education Sports, extracurricular activities Hobbies, interest, your achievements Likes, dislikes, strong and weak points Current affairs A few Technical questions or something about the army, navy/ IAF There may be some stress questions/ situational reaction questions In the end he will ask you if you have any questions for him and finally a thank you from him



Attend our Mock Interview.

our IO was the former Deputy president of 18 SSB Allahabad

Online Interview Fee Rs.1500 Only.

In person at our academy Rs. 2500


Call:- 94437 20076


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