Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How does Defence Academy Coimbatore Students Score High Marks in Competitive examinations?

How does Defence Academy Coimbatore Students Score High Marks in Competitive examinations?

“One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation” – Arthur Ashe

We have a batch of Just 10 Students for every class

Improvement Of Concentration – A Warm-up Always Works
Light Yoga exercise and Jogging before commencement of the class. Our classes are Usually Residential. Children, today, are subject to a lot of stress. For de stressing, they require the aid of external parameters like deep breathing yogic practices to align their focus. Deep breathing exercises,
We start the day at 0600 hours with SURYA NAMESHKAR.Under the guidance of Warden and Chief Adm officer Colonel Jayavel (retd)

Slow and Steady Progress Towards A Goal.
First day we carry out the assessment Test. Record it and keep it for future ref
Get the child assessed by a Child Psychologist to know his/her present IQ Level
Weekly Tests and Assessed and feed back sent to candidates parent via an email/ SMS
The performance are put up on our academy notice board. This encourages the students to do better the next time
We set a target of 75% to pass our classroom tests

Discipline – The Bridge Between Goals And Accomplishment.
Since the candidates are being groomed to join the armed forces, we expect a strict discipline. When our cadets does not fall in line we adopt military type corrective measured

Computer based Assessment Tests
This drives away fear, shyness and inculcates strength to face odds and obstacles within a fixed time span, rendering the initial lessons of ‘Time Management’.We expect Speed and Accuracy to top the competitive exams such as Sainik Schools, Military schools, Olympiad etc.

Offering them responsibility- To teach peers
Kids should be given an opportunity to become a teacher once a week. The best way to LEARN is to TEACH. The child gets to know the difficulties of the teachers and children learn to come out of their shell and shine.

Working towards common GOAL
Goals are reached faster and easier by planning ahead. Objectives should be precipitated and penned down and re-examined with retrospective effect to evaluate achievements. This makes way for steady movement towards fixed goals.

Early Math skills are the best predictor of future career success
Math is not just a subject. It is one of the most important skills to pick up early. Many studies including a study by the University of California, Berkeley have consistently suggested that Good early math skills are the most reliable indicators of future success.
There are no blackboards, no broadcast, instead teachers work with students 1:1
Unlike a normal classroom, the teacher does not teach using a blackboard. There is no time spent on lectures to the entire class. Instead, each student is on their individual learning journey. The teacher works with each student to explain concepts, do activities and help solve doubts. This ensures that each child gets individual attention, they learn faster, they learn better.
We build aptitude and skill
This ability to decode the problem is tested as “Aptitude” in later life in various exams. This is what we do every day. Being good at Math is the best way to learn problem solving. What are the givens? What to solve for?, not just how to calculate. Math is the language of problem solving and in a data rich world, math skills will be essential to every valuable job.

Why do we have a Guru and not a Computer?
We think Video solutions are good, but not enough. Not good enough to deliver results. Unlike a pre recorded video a teacher can adapt to the needs of the student instantly. Video apps deal with concepts and practice but lack the personalised attention to a student from a teacher. Also since a teacher can clear doubts instantly, the learning with a teacher is faster and better.
Improving Self Confidence
Children are our future, so it is imperative to educate them well and guide them on the right path. Parents are the first teachers of children, and it is the combined responsibility of parents and teachers to help children bloom and acquaint them with the essential qualities and skills. Every child must be helped to identify their strengths and weaknesses.
Action is what we teach and expect
We insist on Read, analyse and solve, using of formula and short cuts they Learn math, by doing, and never forget. Quiz competitions and out door activities to help them learn and retain

50% of our time is devoted to learn Maths
Being good at Math is the best way to learn problem solving. What are the givens? What to solve for?, not just how to calculate. Math is the language of problem solving and in a data rich world, math skills will be essential to every valuable job.

A child’s intellectual ability is a function of both heredity and environment. While the genetic inheritance cannot be altered, parents can ensure the development of sound cognitive structures by providing a stimulating learning environment and a variety of experiences right from an early age.

Our Previous Course Results
Defence Academy Coimbatore - Sainik School Entrance Exam 2020 Results Class VI Cell 94437 20076 and 6382494918
We are pleased to inform the readers that this year we achieved 100% Pass in Written test- 7 appeared and all 7 Qualified
Here are the marks scored by our candidates

Name of Sainik School Roll No: Name of the cadet Maths SS/GK English Int out of 300 Percent Final Result
Amaravathinagar 501779 Abiruban 42 24 21 21 258/300 86 % Qualified
Amaravathinagar 500975 Dhananjay 40 18 23 20 242/300 80.6 % Qualified
Amaravathinagar 501299 Pranav 42 16 18 21 238/300 78.6 % Qualified
Amaravathinagar 501322 Aarav 36 20 19 21 228/300 76 % Qualified
Kunjepura (Haryana) 555311 Manav 32 18 21 12 198/300 66 % Qualified
Amaravathinagar 501400 Hemanat 23 18 18 13 167/300 55.6 % Qualified
Kelligeri Andhra Pradesh 535515 Sathya 20 12 15 17 148/300 49.3 % Qualified

Our Sainik school Entrance Examination Foundation course starts on 01 May 2020 and will culminate on 30 May 2020
Comments from parents:- who bought our kit:- 1. Buta Singh
Fri, Jan 31, 7:43 PM (12 hours ago)
Thank You Sir, My Son Cleared Sainik School Exam Kapurthala Your study material was very useful for this exam. Thanks Regards

Sainik school /Military school Foundation Course
< font color="Blue"> Defence Academy offers Foundation course for aspirants of Sainik and military schools
Course Commences on 01 May 2020 and culminates on 30 May 2020

Please email us to know how to join our coaching during this summer

E mail:
call us at 94437 20076

or 6382494918

Visit: or

Only ten seats are allotted for summer coaching class V students age should be between 10.5 to 11.5 years
First come first served

Please register by 15 March with advance of Rs. 12,500

Complete one month coaching fee with books, accm, food, camp and visits is Rs. 22,500

Only 20% of the children study in Sainik schools join the forces. so please bring in only motivated children

Our workbooks are specially designed by curriculum
experts to ensure your child learns concepts and applies them.
Your child can Develop Concept
Expertise Build confidence to ace exams
Solve problems outside the textbook
What are some of the math learning goals for your child? School exams preparation Syllabus
completion Competitive exams preparation Getting personalised math practice Increasing speed and avoiding silly mistakes

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