Tuesday, November 27, 2018

free RMS maths prac test

Mathematics for those who Fear Maths-   Numeration
1.      If ___ is included in Natural numbers, then these numbers are known as Whole numbers.
2.      The _____ value of a digit is the Value of the Digit itself irrespective of its place in the numeral.
3.      _____ Value of a digit depends on its position in the number.
4.      What is the place value of 5 in 5 x 102?
5.      Numbers that have more than two factors are called ______ numbers.
6.      Two numbers are said to be _____, if their HCF is 1.
7.      Positive Rational numbers are called_______________   
8.      Those numbers which are either rational or irrational are known as______numbers
9.      Twice of the digit at units place is subtracted form the number obtained 5 after omitting the unit digit. If the remainder is Divisible by____, then the given number is divisible by ____
10.  If  157X234 is exactly divisible by 3, then the digits at the place of X would be________ 
11.  What least number should be subtracted from 1365 to get a number exactly divisible by 25?
12.  By which number 91476 is not divisible? ( a) 11, (b) 7, (c) 2,  (d) 8
13.  What is the value of K, where 31K2 is divisible by 6?
14.  The Product of ¾, 2/5 and 25/3 is______
15.  The value of 5 –[4-{3-(3-3-6)}] Divided by 2 is_____
16.  Write the following Ascending order:  (0.1, 0.001, 0.01, -0.1, -0.001, -0.0001)
17.  If the weight of 6 sheets of paper be 45 grams, how many sheets of the same papers would weight 1 ½ kg?
18.  The average of 6 numbers is 30. If the average of the first four is 25, and that of the last three is 35, find the fourth number.
19.  The population of a town increases by 5 % every year. If the population this year is 185220.What will be the population of the town next year?
20.  If the selling price of 10 articles is the Cost price of 12 articles. Find gain percent?

PART 2 Test 21 Nov 2108 Mathematics

1.       (a) Find the value of x, if 2% of x is 1.4
(b) If  3.4 of x is 68 the x = ?
            2.Aditya deposits Rs.600 per month in his bank account, i If this is 10% of his monthly income. Find his monthly income.
3. Kareena went to school for 216 days in a full year. If her attendance is 90%, find the number of days which the school opened?
4. Chalk contains 10% of Calcium, 3 % of carbon and 12% of oxygen.  Find the  amount  in grams of each of these in 1 kg of chalk.
5. Arvind buys a toy for Rs. 150 and sells it for Rs. 165. Find his gain %
6. Arvind purchased two shirts for Rs.4000, but sold it for Rs.1500 each. Find his Loss percent.
7. If the cost price of 18 apples is the same as the selling price of 16 apples. Find the gain percent.
8. By selling a  bed sheet for Rs. 900, a seller losses 10% . For how much should he sell the bed sheet to gain 40%
9. Find the amount earned on Rs. 800, invested for 1.3 year and 1.5% per month.
10. Find the SI interest earned on Rs. 300 invested for 8 months at 12% per annum

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