Friday, September 28, 2018

TIPS on How to write Thematic Apperception Test- By defence academy

 Tips to write Thematic Apperception Test in SSB / FSB

By Defence Academy Coimbatore While looking at the picture observe the following points and included the aspects given below :-

  1. How many persons are there in the picture?
  2. Have you choosen the main character of your story?
  3. What is the back ground of the individual? ( age, name, edn, family back ground etc.,)
  4. What has led to the present situation as per your story?
  5. What is now happening - Explain the Problem faced by the main character or the work he his doing to achieve his /her aim.
  6. If there are others in the picture in what way is your main character utlizing this Available resources? If yes in what or How ?
  7. How did he/she go about it ( Do not bring in multiple problems. The problem should not be so simple or too complex)
  8. Conculsion bring about Positive result
  9. Do not go in for awards or rewards
  10. The aim /goal selected should be such that it is achieveable by the writer.
  11. Avoid writing a common story, where in the reader will come to know what your line of story would be by reading just two lines.
  12. Creative and workable ideas will be an added advantage

Does practice Help?

Certainly, in increases your speed, and boosts up your power of imagination.
Try writing different stories for the same picture and soon you will notice your stories and becoming better and better All the best
Defence Academy Senior Psychologist is available to check and guide you in performing better at SSB/ FSB
Those who are interested are welcome to contact him in person at our academy

 Online guidance available on payment

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