Sunday, February 18, 2018

Let us prepare to Face the Exam -Tips

Let us prepare to Face the Exam -Tips

Dear students, the final exams are round the corners, let us look at some do's and Don'ts:-
PLAN your study Time: Plan the revision schedule and stick to it
  • Follow the Golden Rule a place for everything and every thing in its place will get the ball rolling.
  • make a time table and subjects to be revised

  • Here is an example of how to make a time table(make one that suits you):-
  • 0530: Raise and shine
  • 0600- 0630 light jogging or walking
  • 0650 to 0740 Mathematics at least one Chapter has to be revised
  • 0745 to 1700- School
  • 1800- 2000- Revise Science Subjects and social studies
  • 2000-2030 Dinner
  • 2030- 2130- Complete your home work and other assignment
  • 2200- Off to bed
  • Getting Ready For The D-Day

    1. The night before the actual exam
    2. Do a complete revision and get some rest.
    3. Ensure yur uniform,stationery, shoes, socks, water and exam bag are set well in advance
    4. Have a good night's rest
    5. Wake up early
    6. Do a quick revision
    7. Eat a Good Breakfast
    8. Leave your books and notes at home
    9. Do not engage with over smart friends and keep yourself calm
    10. Try not to learn anything new at hte eleventh hour.

    During the Exam

    1. Stay calm inthe hall
    2. Take two minutes and focus on your breath and relax
    3. Spend 10 minutes on reading the question paper
    4. Allocate time appropriately across the different section.
    5. Take the big questions first
    6. Anser confidently and write fast
    7. Be aware of the time
    8. 'Focus on the presentation of the paper

    After the Exam

    1. Foget about the paper
    2. Do not check the textbook and notes
    3. Regret is a wasted emotion and just makes yu feel bad
    4. Eat , relax and start studying for the next exam

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