Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sainik School Entrance Examination- Entrance Kit for Class VI- ( 2020) Start your preparation to-day

Sainik School Entrance Examination- Entrance Kit for Class VI- ( 2020) Start your preparation to-day
94437 20076

Skill finder test for class IV Students

Dear parent our skill finder test consists of the following test, which will be administered to the aspirant to find his present level of skill. Scoring 60% and above is a sure indication of his/ high chances of success in the competitive examination that are conducted by Sainik/ RMS Schools.
Basic level test for kid age 8 – 9  years

1. Write the product of  1x 10 x100 ________________________________________________________________
2. What is the sum of the successor of the greatest 2 digit number and the least single digit number______________
3. If two pens cost Rs.15, what would be the cost of 3 pens?_____________________________________________
4. In what way can you use Four 3’s to get the result 100? ( You can use, +, -, Division or X signs)._____________
5. If a= 3, and b = 4. What is the value of ” a “  multiplied by “b”________________________________________
6. There were five boys in a class the teacher had 30 chocolates, if he had to distribute the same number of chocolates to each of the boys, how much will each one get?
7. Write the following in Roman letters , 1, 10, 50, 100, 500 and 1000____________________________________
8. How many months have 28 days in them?________________________________________________________
9. If 1st of the month is Sunday, what will be the day on 10th of the month_________________________________
10. Which is bigger. 3300 paise or Rs.33?__________________________________________________________
1. Arrange the jumbled words to make meaningful sentences;
1. Today / happy / I / feeling/ Very/ am.___________________________________________________________
2. Flying / birds/ the / sky/ in/ are________________________________________________________________
3. Unscramble the names of the sports. Choose the correct word from the options given.
a) Tennes                              b) Table Tennis                    c) Badminton                       d) Lawn Tennis
a) caroms                              b) Billiards                             c) Nine pins                           d) None of these
5. What has four legs and a back but no body? Unscramble to find the answer ACIAHR__________
6. Give the plural form of FISH______________ Scissors________________ Lady____________
7. What is the young one of a Horse called____________________________
8. What is the young one of an elephant is called__________________
9. What is the cry of a WOLF called___________________________
10. The opposite of NARROW is called_______________________
  1. Rice is rich in____________
a) Carbohydrates                                b) Proteins                             c) Minerals                            d) Fats
2. Which of the following is the longest bone in our body?
a) Femur                                b) Humerus                           c) Carpal                               d) Tibia
3. Which of these is a way of preserving food?
a) Freeaing                            b) Canning                            c) Drying                                d) All of these
4. Which of the following can be prepared with the help of sunlight?
a) Protiens                             b) Vitamin B                         c) Vitamin C                         d) Vitamin D        
5. Sharks are great swimmers because they have adapted _______ to help them swim.
a) Teeth                                 b) Fins                                    c) Gills                                    d) None of these
6.Which of the following animals is an amphibian?
a) Bat                                     b) Frog                                   c) Monkey                            d) Lizard
7. Name the highest mountain in INDIA_______________________________________
8. What is the name of the President of India___________________________________
9. What is the name of the Tallest Statue in India________________________________
10. Name any one of the Fighter aircraft used by Indian Air force__________________
11. When is children’s day celebrated?_____________________________________
12. Whose birth day falls on 2nd October__________________________________
13. How many colours are seen in a RAINBOW, write their names_________________________

14. Write  the names of all the four seasons__________________________________________________________
15. What is the capital of  Jammu and Kashmir?______________________________________________________          

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Army Style Commando Camp Experience

Summers are about to start. Learn something new this summer
We offer
Army Style Commando Experience
three days and 2 nights.
Do not just see what others do on a TV or You tube.
you too can experience it first hand

come join us for
Army commando camp
on 4 to 6 April 2019
Fee Rs. 3000
You get T-shirt and a Certificate

as a gift.
call and register to day 94437 20076
Only 15 seats left

call me now
94437 20076
the skills that you learn will make you a confident person.

have you walked on Fire??
we make you do that in our camp

Have to Got and Killed a Bird and cook it, we teach you to survive in the wild.

Trekking through jungle is fun come adventure come over and experience it

Join us today
94437 20076
Commando Camp is being organised by
Defence Academy Coimbatore