Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Quiz for Competitive Exams

Quiz for Competitive Exams

1. Which is India's largest IT and ITes Company?
a) Infosys Technologies   b) Tata consultancy Services TCS   c) Cognizant   d) Wipro Technologies TCS

2. Who is the first India and alos the first in the world to produce 100 movies?
a) yash Chopra   b) Vijay Amritraj  c) D. Rama Naidu   d) AVM Studios

3. Which among these is the world's largest on line store
a) AOL   b) Amazon   c) Fab Mail    d) India Times

4. Which company introduced the Cellular (mobile) Phone to the world?
a) Nokia    b) Ericsson   c) Motorola    d) Sagem

5. Which is the most industrialized state of India?
a) Gujarat    b) Maharashtra   c) Uttar Pradesh    d) Tamil nadu

6. Which among these is the CODE for Indian Airlines planes?
a) IA    b) IC   c) CD    d) DN

7.What do the inscribed letters L & G stand for in a Korean brand of electronic goods?
a) Life is Good   b) Luck and Good   c) Lucky and Goody    d) Lucky and Goldstar

8. Which is the firstg company to produce ice-creams in India?
a) Kwality   b) Amul   c) Vadilal    d) Joy

9. Who built India's firstg 5 star hotel " Taj Mahal" in Mumbai 1903?
a) Jamshetji   b) Ratan Tata   c) Noel Tata    d) Naval Tata

10. Which is the first "Indigenous" car produced in India?
a) Ambassador   b) Padmini- Premier   c) Maruti 800- Maruthi Udyog    d) Indica- Tata

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A

Saturday, October 11, 2014



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This week offer:-
A Motivational
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on 28 Oct 2014



we are pleased to offer a Fee Concession of

Rs. 1000

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per Female Candidatefrom our Regular fee of Rs. 6500

10 days SSB Interview Training for aspirants of ARMY- AIR FORCE- NAVY
094437 20076

OFFER VALID From 13th October to 26th October 2014
Colonel Murali - Former Dy Comdt SSB Allahabad
Colonel Jayavel Former Instructor and GTO Trained
Mr.Ashok - Former Pyschologist at SSB Bhopal
You can join our academy on any day

This week offer:-
A Motivational
Trip to Madras Regimental Centre Wellington

on 28 Oct 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

RIMC June 2014 English - Question paper

2014 June RIMC English paper  
Marks: 125                            Section A – Reading                               Time : 2 hours
Q1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:-
1.      Though they do not figure among the wonders of the world, but the terracotta warriors of Xian district in China are one of the most significant archeological excavations of the twentieth century. It is believed that Qin Shihuangdi (221-207 B.C), who is considered the first emperor of China, ordered the creation of around 7000 life size clay soldiers in 201 BC to guard his tomb for eternity. The emperor is believed to have unified China during his region and hence, this army is considered to be a commemoration of his victories.
2.      The sculptures were discovered by a group of farmers in 1974 to the east of Xian in the Shaanxi province. While digging a well, the workers found three pits filled with the life like figures, which were made of a type of terracotta clay. Experts say that long ago, Emperor Shihuangdi ordered the creation of the clay army, along with a 20 square mile tomb to house it. For 36 years, 700,000 laborers crafted this underground city. It contains models of palaces and towers and was protected from intrudents by automatically triggered crossbows. Apart from life size statues of soldiers and horses, weapons such as swords, spears, battle axes, shields, crossbows, arrowheads were also found at the pits of the terracotta warriors. Some of these weapons were found to be sharp, coated with chromium oxide which made them resistance to rust and corrosion even after being buried for more than 2000 years.
3.      Shen Maosheng, from the Qin Shihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses museum said that archaeological had located another 11 warriors but had not begun to excavate or dig up the sculptures. Maosheng is of the view that the most significant discovery of this time was that the relics that were found were well preserved and colorfully painted.
4.      Today people from around the world visit to China to see the terracotta warriors. What makes these soldiers special is the fact that each figure is individually carved. So they have different hairstyles, expressions and facial features. The details make the soldiers appear true to life. Inside the pit, the statue are arranged by military rank which means that the higher the rank, the taller is the statue. The shortest statue is 5 feet 8 inches tall. The tallest is 6 feet and 6 inches high. As the lower half each soldier is made of solid clay with the upper half being hollow, the figures remain upright.
5.      The discovery of Xi’ans 110 new warrior came after a new finding about the Great Wall of China. An archaeological survey revealed that the Great Wall of China is more than twice as long as previously thought. The wall was originally measured to be about 9000kms, but is now measured 21196.18 kms long. Beijing officials plan to open two new sections of the Great Wall and to expand other areas to make more room for tourists.
6.      The discovery of the terracotta army is significant as it helps us to understand the economic and social history of that period along with the military hierarchy that existed during that time.

Q1.1 Complete the following statements based on your reading of the passage.
(a)    The creation of the clay soldiers was ordered by Qin Shahuangi to guard his tomb and ____________.
(b)   The terracotta soldiers were discovered by ___________.
(c)    The weapons found in the pits had neither corroded or rusted in spite of being buried because _______________.
(d)   The statues of the terracotta soldiers have not fallen down because ____________.
(e)    By studying the placement of the soldiers and the excavated town, one can understand the____________.
Q1.2 Find words in the passage that means the same as the following :-
(a)    Remember and honour [para 1]
(b)   To dig [para 3]
(c)    Trespassers [para 2]
(d)   Order of rank/importance [para 6]
Q2  Read the following poem and answer the questions that follows :-
Tis the voice of sluggard; I heard him complain,
“You have walked me too soon, I must slumber again.”
As the door on its hinges, so he is on his bed,
Turns his sides and his shoulders and his heavy head.

“A little more sleep, and a little more slumber,”
Thus he wastes half of his days, and his hours without number,
And when he gets up, he sits folding his hands,
Or walks about sauntering, or trifling he stands.

I pass’d by his garden, and saw the wild,
The thorn on and the thistle grow broader and higher,
The cloths that hang on him are turning to rags;
And his money still wastes till he starves or he begs.

I made him a visit, still hoping to find
That he took better care for improving his mind:
He told me his dreams, talked of eating and drinking;
But scarce reads his Bible, and never loves thinking.

Said I then to my heart, “Here is a lesson for me.”
This man’s but a picture of what I might be:
But thanks to my friends for their care in my breeding,
Who taught me bedtimes to love working and reading.

Q2.1  On the basis of your reading of the poem, complete the following statements :-
(a)    The sluggard protests against _________
(b)   The figure of speech used in stanza one is _________
(c)    The sluggard longs for ____________
(d)   In his walking hours, the sluggard ___________
(e)    The sluggard is a poor housekeeper because he _________
(f)    The poet visited him to __________
(g)   All that the sluggard did was __________
(h)   The poet expresses his gratitude to his pals for____________
Q2.2 Select the antonym for SLUMBER
a)      Quietude                     b) wakefulness            c)sleeplessness d)insomnia
Q2.3 Select the synonym of SCARCE
a)      Hard                            b)lack                          c)enough                     d)adequate

Section B- Writing

Q3 Write a composition on any of the following topic :- (Word limit 200 words)
(a)    The autobiography of a horse
(b)   Save the Planet
(c)    Skill development is more important than academic development.

Q4  Write a story that ends with the line : “That day I learnt that one should not judge a book by its cover”

Section C- Grammar

Q5 Rewrite the sentence as directed in brackets, without changing the meaning of the sentence,
(a)    It is better to lend than borrow. (change to positive degree)
(b)   If you do not work hard you will fail. ( change to affirmative sentence)
(c)    Who can be expected to do wrong to his parents. (change to assertive sentence )
(d)   He is too fast not to catch up with you any moment. (Rewrite removing adverb ‘too’)
(e)    She cares for her duty. (replace the underlined verb with adverb)

Q6 Change the speech from active to passive and vice versa :-
(a)    My friend said to me “Has your father returned from Mumbai? “
(b)   He greeted his friend and asked him how he was?
(c)    Let us read the story
(d)   She asked them to hurry up.
(e)    The thief pleaded, “Please let me go”
(f)    Large crowds thronged the road.
(g)   Inflation alarmed the poor man.
(h)   I said to him, “let us go out for a run”
(i)     The material feels thin.
(j)     People lined the road.
Q7 Give antonyms of the capitalized words:
(a)    Kavitha has a GENIAL personality.
(b)   Ruchi is allergic to peanuts.
(c)    The outgoing President has a number of TIMID followers.
(d)   Rekha gave a very VAGUE answer.
(e)    Rajnikanth, despite being born in SQUALID            surroundings, rose to stardom.
Q8 Give synonyms of the capitalized words:
(a)    There is a DEARTH of resources in that country.
(b)   China has exhibited TREMENDOUS growth.
(c)    Mukul’s CANDID confession of his crime earned him relief.
(d)   The journey to Leh is quite TEDIOUS.
(e)    Ankit was FAMISHED after the hockey match.
Q9 Fill in the blanks with suitable phrasal verbs:-
(a)    He believed that he has the right to _______(relax) while others work hard.
(b)   He ______(stopped) smoking to save money.
(c)    I _______ (met) my old friend in the market yesterday.
(d)   He is ________ (suitable) for an administrative career.
(e)    He agreed to help but _______ ( withdrew) at the moment.
Q10 Give one word for the following phrases:
(a)    The concluding part of a drama or a play. _______
(b)   A person who prejudice religious views. ___________
(c)    A pen name used by an author. ________
(d)   An author or writer who writes copies from other books. ________
(e)    A song designed to put babies to sleep. _________
(f)    A remedy for all diseases. _________
(g)   A person with a large appetite.________
Q11 Provide the following words with the parts of speech given in the bracket:
(a)    Moon  + ________ (noun)
(b)   Over    + ________ (verb)
(c)    Noble  + ________ (noun)
(d)   Under +  ________ (noun)
(e)    Fore    +  ________ (noun)

Q12 Rearrange the words given below to make a meaningful sentence :-
(a)    heart/leaps/when/i/my/a/rainbow/behold/in/sky/the
(b)   too/long/unwelcome/when/he/a/guest/stays/is
(c)    bird/in/the/the/world/largest/ at/can’t/fly/all
(d)   are/impossible/ostriches/so/big/it/that/them/is/for/fly/to
(e)    to/eat/we/must/to/live/eat/not/live/to.
Q13 Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from bracket given:-
(a)    We stayed ________ (in/at) Mumbai for five years.
(b)   He boasted ________ (about/of) his accomplanishments.
(c)    Everyone laughed ______ (at/on) him.
(d)   I shall do the task ______ (with/for) pleasure.
(e)    It’s five o’ clock______ (in/by) my watch.
Q14 Given below are idioms in capital letters, give a correct meaning for it.
(a)    Brijesh TOOK HIM TO TASK for sleeping in class.
(b)   Michael Jackson, the singer due to his bad throat was NOT IN VOICE.
(c)    Richie could TURN HIS HAND TO anything.
(d)   After her defeat, Nikita had to EAT HUMBLE PIE.
(e)    Ishita stood by him through THICK AND THIN.
(f)    The attempts to suppress the agitation of the workers only ADDED FUEL TO THE FIRE
(g)   Lament was Shelley’s SWAN SONG.

Q15 Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the correct options.
On the banks of a flowing river was a peepal tree. (a)_______[into/at/on/over] the tree was the nest of a happy (b)________[but/or/also/and] friendly dove. It was afternoon and the dove (c)________ [jumped/jumping/jump/is jumping] from one branch to the other, flapping its wings and chirping (d) _________ [on/away/over/in] merrily.

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